revision for easy
07/04/2023 at 14:05 • 0 commentsNew revision for Jelly. Changes in concepts, circuits and complexity.
Jelly does all external communication using 8 lines of control and 8 lines for information, the control lines are output and information is bi-directional.
The standart input and output are instant devices.
Changed to two modes, code and loop. In code mode, all operations except begin '[' and
again ']' are done. In loop mode, just run forward or backward until find a match again ']' or begin '['. While in loop mode, the math circuit is used as loop counter.The fetch of next code byte from code tape, aka nop, now is op-code 0x0 and automagic, called by a clear on opcode latch and on step counter;
Changed the input latches to 74hc273, with reset and clock. This solves, 'how easy do a fetch' and 'how clear loop counter'.
Include output latches as 74hc574, with output enable and clock, for device control and control 3-state access internal data bus;
Include a bi-directional switch 74HC245, with enable, direction and 3-state. This solves external devices access to internal data bus;
A loop logic circuit does all logics for start and stop the loop mode;
The loop logic circuit now have signals: begin, again, zero, mode, move, and generates do_mode and do_move.
begin is a line, high when data byte is a '[' and mode is code;
again is a line, high when data byte is a ']' and mode is code;
zero is a line, high when data byte is not a zero;
mode is a line, high when mode is loop;
move is a line, high when movement is reversed;
domode is a toggle, low when mode is code, high when mode is loop;
domove is a toggle, low when forward, high when backward;
id begin again zero mode move domode domove 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 x x 0 1 0 1 0 4 x x 0 1 1 1 1
- A toggle is a pulse in the clock line of D-flip-flop.- The do_mode also does initial reset of counter circuit.
- The code mode movement is always forward.
- The loop mode ends when counter is zero.
- The X is does not matter.
begin and again as loop
06/20/2023 at 22:10 • 0 commentsHow To
All Jelly opcodes are easy implemented except loops. the [ and ], refered as begin and again, keep me in a round-robin by months without a feasible solution.
As pseudo-code, there are three groups of actions, for simplify, I call as page zero, page one and page two.
In page zero, all opcodes are executed and when a begin occurs and data is zero that clear a counter and change to page one, when a again occurs and data is not zero that clear a counter and change to page two.
In page one, when found a begin increase a counter, when found a again decrease a counter, then moves code tape forward and if counter is zero change to page 0.
In page two, when found a begin increase a counter, when found a again decrease a counter, then moves code tape backward and if counter is zero change to page 0.
Since no data is read while in page one or two, the circuit of U7, U2, U8 is used as counter
Make It
the solution was make true-table for lines and states.
begin is a line set high when code is [
again is a line set high when code is ]
zero is a line set high when data is non zero
page 1 is the address A9 line for eeproms U1 and U2
page 2 is the address A10 line for eeproms U1 and U2
flip 1 is the clock for D-Flip-FLop the control the address A9 line
flip 2 is the clock for D-Flip-FLop the control the address A10 line
when page 2 is set the movement is backward.
Table 1 - lines and states for loops
output output begin [ ] again zero page 1 page 2 FLIP 1 FLIP 2 results 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 toggle page 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 toggle page 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 toggle page 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 toggle page 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 forward 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 backward 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 count + 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 count + 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 count - 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 count - 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 count + 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 count + 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 count - 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 count - 1 -
rewinds to forwards
02/12/2023 at 01:21 • 0 commentsI'm doing a review of control lines, as jelly-six circuit get closer to go wire-wrap.
An alternative is resume dual function lines as:
TABLE U1, does internal control
U1 Lines action description D0 M0, address A8 for U4 (eeprom math) vide table U4 D1 M1, address A9 for U4 (eeprom math) vide table U4 D2 M2, address A10 for U4 (eeprom math) vide table U4 D3 CP5, clock (CP) for U5 (74hc574 latch) push a value into U5 D4 OE2, output enable for U2 (eeprom tape control) pull a value from U2 D5 CP6, clock (CP) for U6 (74hc574 latch) push a value into U6 D6 OE4, output enable for U4 (eeprom math control) pull a value from U4 D7 reserved
TABLE U2, does tapes control
U2 Lines action description L0, L1 00 is none, 01 is ONE, 10 is TWO, 11 is BOB select which tape (none, one, data, bob) L2 0 is forward (FW), 1 is backward (BK) select the direction of step L3 0 is read (RD), 1 is write (WR) select the action L4 reserved L5 reserved L6 reserved L7 reserved
TABLE U2 special
special status, L0, L1, L2, L3 action 0000 does nothing used as delay 0010 toggle a flip-flop to exchange forward and backward
does toggle tape (ONE or TWO) swapused for extend exchange values 0001 toggle a flip-flop to exchange tape ONE and tape TWO
does toggle direction (FW or BK) swapused for solve loops 0011
TABLE U4, Math Control,
value (M0,M1,M2) operation value result 0 copy 00011011 00011011 1 increase 00011011 00011100 2 decrease 00011011 00011010 3 clear 00011011 00000000 4 shift left 00011011 00110110 5 shift rigth 00011011 00001101 6 negate 00011011 11100100 7 mirror 00011011 11011000 -
Still in progress
02/02/2023 at 13:05 • 0 commentsThis project is still waiting pieces to born in hardware.
While I'm learning about 6502 circuits and Forths, searching options to emulate the 3 tapes for Jelly.
Use of common SRAM and FLASH memories is in the stream, but Jelly have no concept of address, just increase or decrease a stream.
Could be a pack of counters as 74hc193, using 4 to 16 address bits of memory, limits to 64 kb both memories, and minimal logic for decode up or down.
And leds, many leds...
why brainfunk ?
10/04/2022 at 18:15 • 0 commentsWhy chose brainfunck ?
Why not a common "if branch return" operation language as many designs ?
Because Becker and Gottschlich does " AI Programmer: Autonomously Creating Software Programs Using Genetic Algorithms ", [https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.05703] using brainfuck. More information in [http://brainfuck.org/]
And Mazonka and Christofani, made a complete brainfuck interpreter written in brainfuck. https://github.com/maksimKorzh/dbfi/blob/master/self-interpreter-paper.pdf
Some brainfuck tutorial and more, some algorithms.
minimal Jelly
09/15/2022 at 16:28 • 0 comments"Something in the way, she is moving"
Looking at circuits done in Digital application, Jelly could be more simple.
There are one circuit with a eeprom to control tape devices, and two circuits between a buffer (74hc574) to a eeprom (at28c16).
For the tape circuit, just need control the OE of eeprom.
For the code circuit, just need control CE of buffer.
For the math circuit, with feedback, need control CE of buffer and OE of eeprom.
All others signal of CE, OE, inside closed circuits, goes enabled forever.
These simplify control signals to CE1, OE2, CE3, OE4, plus M1, M2 for 4 operations math, plus A8 and A9 for 4 pages extended.
(These changes are in file jelly-six.dig).
As some combinations of signals for tape devices are also used to setup flags as swap, move and halt, need some complementary logics.
(These changes are in file jelly-six-halt.dig).
"Something in the way, she moves" -
loops without jumps
09/09/2022 at 13:02 • 0 commentsJelly must have some external logic to complement FSM eeproms.
The way found to simulate an "IF" or "ELSE" was to change the "page", depending on external conditions.
Circuits define "check and clear" logic. For bob, one, two signals, when two are active they are used to validate the conditions. For signals fw, bk, rd, wr, which cannot be active simultaneously.
The one and two signals are used to activate the swap signal, which works like a toggle switch that inverts the selection between one and two.
The bob and one signals are used to activate the move signal, which works like a toggle switch that inverts the selection between move forward or backward. This is needed to simplify the loop logic.
The bob and two signals are used with the zero signal to select "page one" by activating a toggle switch for address a08. In the "page one" commands just executes a next opcode, else [ and ], that increase or decrease a counter.
The pseudo code for processing [ and ] loops in "page one" :
for ( ; ; ) {
if (c==[) cnt++;
if (c==]) cnt--;
if (cnt == 0) break;
c = next();
the next action is a tape bob sequence of move and read. move could be forward or backward. the move signal toggles setup direction and both could be coded as a single operation move.
the logic circuit is showed in file jelly-two-halt.dig
-- this still a stub ---
the conditions table of loops [ and ] could be resumed as
case page loop condition action 1 0 [ zero == NO next 2 0 [ zero == YES go page 1 3 1 [ zero == NO inc count, next 4 1 [ zero == YES inc count, next 5 0 ] zero == NO go page 1 6 0 ] zero == YES next 7 1 ] zero == NO dec count, prev 8 1 ] zero == YES go page 0 -
How make it
09/06/2022 at 21:01 • 0 commentsGood news.
Going through lists of TTLs and cpus and diy homebrew projects, I have a good feeling that I'm not doing anything very different than what has already been done for different purposes.
Using eeproms to save logic by defining FSM to control the signals, aka microcode, is common practice. Use 3-state latchs to isolate shared data bus, ditto. Use counters to synchronize pipeline phases, ditto. Use eeprom to define the results of mathematical operations, ditto.
I still need to figure out how to process flags, state toggles and other synchronisms.
All the TTL chip circuits have arrived, so I can start building and testing.
First, I need to build an eeproms programmer, see eepromgrammer.
The Mark One computer also have a opcode set very like Jelly one's.
Jelly as a HRM
08/31/2022 at 16:10 • 0 commentsToday, I discover about "Human Resource Machine", (https://tomorrowcorporation.com/humanresourcemachine) by https://github.com/adumont/hrm-cpu, https://github.com/nrkn/hrm-cpu and https://spectrum.ieee.org/three-computer-games-that-make-assembly-language-fun.
The hrm-cpu is a "human" sequential machine, with restrict set of instructions, very like as Jelly's ones.
The HRM literal jumps behave as BF loops \[ and \] and the HRM literal bumps behave as BF \+ and \-. Add and Sub are trivial.
Jelly can process as a 8-bit HRM, using ten or more i/o tape cells as internal storage and few macros.
08/25/2022 at 14:48 • 0 commentsJelly have a change in signals for fake ALU eeprom.
Now the low byte address is the argument and high byte address is the operation.
Only unary math are allowed, and using address A08, A09, A10, the operations are:
high byte (page) operation example 000 clear (00011011 => 00000000) 100 increase (00011011 => 00011100) 010 decrease (00011011 => 00011010) 110 copy (00011011 => 00011011) 001 negate (00011011 => 11100100) 101 shift left (00011011 => 00110110) 011 shift right (00011011 => 00001101) 111 mirror (00011011 => 11011000) Only clear, increase, decrease and copy are current in Jelly.
PS. mirror is reverse bit order, as from little endian into big endian and vice-versa.