
Voidnet Viator Cyberdeck

A savage, retro-cyberpunk inspired Cyberdeck with a focus on human interface. Finished for the Hackaday Cyberdeck challenge 2022.

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Built to be a heavy-haptics, typing-friendly and portable device with a comparatively low profile the Viator also features a few add-ons for hardware hacking.

The custom made high ergonomic roll-pin mouse pointer allows typing on the mechanical keyboard and mouse movement in the same hand position.

This interface is supported by a wide-screen touchscreen, a psp-knob used for scrolling, stereo speakers, USB Hub, a tiny status OLED, GPIO switches + LEDs, and a
CharliePlex visualization of the currently used memory.

To enable project building, 5V power is supplied via two banana jacks and a 8 channel signal analyzer mounted under the keyboard.

A grip handle, cable-containing shoulder strap, flashlight and two 18650 Lion cells make the Viator a viable companion for your next run.


## BOM

Other than the 3d printed parts (all FDM parts printed in black PETG, all Resin printed in Elegoo ABS-like clear-red) the following was used:

### Base
- Raspberry Pi 4 (+SD card)
- Corsair K65 RGB 60% mechanical keyboard (don't get too attached to it)
- Waveshare Raspberry Pi 7.9 inch Capacitive LCD HDMI Display 400 x 1280 (comes with great Raspi HDMI and USB connectors)
- Geekworm Raspberry Pi UPS, X728 V2.1 (or alternative)
- 2x 18650 (unprotected due to the X728 spacing) Lion cells
- 2x Goobay 4-Port USB 2.0 Hub (needs a super slim form factor to fit. I used this:
- Stero USB Speaker (2 x 0,5W, I used:
- Alumnium Angle 40mm x 20mm, cut to a length of 290mm (the 3d files include 2 drill-guides to help get the holes right)
- 3x 4mm Brass rods ~330mm length (cut a 1m part into 3, to clamp the 3d printed parts cut a thread at the end of each rod)
- M4 Nuts to secure the clamping shell to the brass rods
- M2 cylinder screws of various lengths
- M2.5 screws and standoffs of various lengths (for the raspi, USP and waveshare display)
- M3 cylinder screws of various lengths
- Wiring (e.g. 0.14mm), Connectors and general soldering stuff
- Some USB and MINI-USB connectors to solder (to configure custom wires that are slim enough below the keyboard)
- Threaded inserts / Knurled Nuts (M3) (pretty much used everywhere)
- (optional) microSD / T-Flash to microSD extension (to get to the SD card easier)

### Rolling mouse
- 8mm stainless steel shaft
- 3x IGUS drylin® R Lineargleitbuchse RJUM-01 (or LM8UU, but it will not feel as nice and smooth)
- optics, chip and bits off a cheap, wired, optical mouse (I used ISY ICM-1000, which has a A2803 optical mouse sensor:

Easily the most trial-and-error on this project: the ergonomic mouse replacement. In the end I swapped the LM8UU for IGUS drylin®

### Additional Features
- Adafruit 15x7 CharliePlex LED Matrix Display FeatherWing - Red
- Adafruit OLED for Raspberry Pi Pico, 128x32, I2C (scratch that, it died randomly and was replaced by a Generic 0.91 Inch, White 128X32 I2C OLED)
- AZDelivery Logic Analyzer 8 CH, 24MHz
- 2x 4mm Banana Jacks (22mm length, one red, one black...I did not like the red I got so a 3d file for resin printing your own is included)
- InLine 33441G USB 3.1 Adaptercable Male C to Female C (for the charging port connected to the UPS)
- 0.28" mini Digital Voltmeter Display
- (optional) 4x WAGO 221-412 2 Fach clamps (to expose the I2C Bus on the backside)
- PSP Slim analog Controller Joystick
- Teensy LC (to generate a HID Keyboard and Mouse, you can try a different controller here....but I had some issues with the Circuitpython ones)
- 7x different color 5mm LEDS (and resistors matched to the GPIO output)
- 7x LED housing for 5mm leds (I used Signal Construct 1089)
- 4x Miniature Toggle Switch (I scavenged for these, you can also use any other switches or buttons that fit in the front panel)
- Hefty, vandalism-safe Button with LED indicator for 10mm hole (power button, there is plenty of space reserved for this in the housing so even longer models should fit)
- 5mm hole momentary switch (for below the screen, wired to the waveshare display's on/off switch so it can be used to conserve power)

Components on the sides are all mounted to brackets, clamping the original keyboard case.

### Handle 

- Bike Handle Grip (Diameter: ~24 mm. Length: ~ 110 mm, cut to size) 

- Aluminum Pipe 24mm OD, 20mm ID - M5 threaded rod ~140mm length 

- 2x M5 Ring nut (screws to the threaded rod)

### Strap 

- 2x Tactical Belt (so you get two buckles to remove the strap completely) 

- Some more M3 Bolts & Nuts 

- USB or other cables you wish to carry 

- Cable ties (to attach the belt-buckles to the 4mm rods on the main case)

### Greeblies 

- 2x CPU cooler above the...

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Discussions wrote 10/06/2022 at 09:35 point

how long this device work on one charge? a month or long?

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Leandra Christine wrote 10/07/2022 at 08:26 point

A month maybe on the quantum-crystal cells of the future ;)

Right now it depends on what is switched on. The LiIon cells have 7Ah combined. The Pi draws about 0.6mA and the display depending on the brightness you use. That is why I put a button in the front panel to change display brightness or turn it off if you are just listening to music.

In my case I get about 3 hours out of it. If I travel I also bring a USB-C Power bank and charger since it easily plugs in the side.

Also: The Keyboard-LED show can totally kill your use-time XD. So I turn it off or set it to a low brightness if I want extended use.

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teraz wrote 10/07/2022 at 09:55 point

meybe replace cpu to fuzix machine (for example esp or z80)

turn off network, backlight etc and increasing this to month?

meybe change cpu speed to 20Mhz and memory speed?

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soose123 wrote 09/30/2022 at 17:11 point

Simply awesome!

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Jonathan Kinnard wrote 09/30/2022 at 13:23 point

You must have tiny fingers for that wiring! Super cool build! Love how you did the handle and strap too

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Leandra Christine wrote 10/07/2022 at 09:22 point

I crammed the cheap-mouse components really in there to keep it flat on the edge. More a matter of force than grace. 

For the strap I really wanted this spine-like look seen in Cyberpunk art while also a way to carry all my regular cables. If I add a pouch for a power pack I will probably put some EL-wire effect on this too.

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yag4hack wrote 09/30/2022 at 08:30 point

Very nice functional deck with a sense of style.

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peter wiessenthaner wrote 09/30/2022 at 08:24 point

Hallo Christine,

this project is so cool. That's what I like.

Peter from workshop

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Tom Nardi wrote 09/30/2022 at 02:23 point

Phenomenal build, packs in a lot of functionality while still remaining very portable. Definitely a difficult balance to maintain.

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Leandra Christine wrote 10/07/2022 at 09:15 point

Thx, it was definitely a goal to keep it portable since I am using it as a laptop replacement that is less obsuring on a table or on a co-driver seat and more suited to what I do (typing and tinkering). The main objective was to make it look like it came straight out of sci-fi ;)

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