packitso commit ... 230301
03/01/2023 at 21:11 • 0 commentsBig mile stone for me: https://github.com/yOyOeK1/oiyshTerminal/commit/d4e3cf3e112f3aa5084a4563210df0793df7e894
Today this happend.
03/01/2023 at 03:32 • 0 commentsI know it's not looking impressive but if you look what is on the image. Is Power FULL! So if you fallow you know mass men nos what I'm trying to do. It's really coming.
Sceenshoot is showing chrome with debug on right. yss-packitso on left.
Packitso as a composer of protoDrivers is how it's. You select driver proto set some things stack it on the list. So you select if your thing to .deb will come from Node-red or grafana or ...
But this is getting poko poko to .deb :) NICE !
still not that but for me - shareitso ...
02/27/2023 at 15:22 • 0 commentsI really need to make order in javascript => WS => node-red => execute I found new interesting things when I was trouble shooting bugs.
Did you know that in javascript
let a = 'abc\"def';
let a = 'abc\"def'; let b = 'abc\\"def'; // a will give you abc"def ? :) // b will give you abc\\"def ? :)..
So it's 4 days of tracing and it will be that if you want to invoke bash command with double quetes you need to add double ( This is my big fear back slash madness )
I needed some sharing abilities now, fast. This lead to otdm-tools-fuse but that in diferent log. shareitso was waiting for speed up. I needed to speed up section of indexing all files, sorting them by mod date, they are coming from different directories and I want size aahh.
so I was able to spit out this in bash ...
lDir="/tmp";jsK="\n| .+=[{\"modTime\":\"%Ay-%Am-%Ad %AT\", \"size\":\"%s\", \"file\":\"%p\"}]";echo $jsK;a=$(cd $lDir;find -L ./ -type f -printf "$jsK" | sort -r); echo "[]" | jq ". $a"
to get json with all files in lDir order by modDate some sprinkle of jq => bum.
To the subject of not doing packitso but shareitso ?
look at the functionality :)
Let me know what you thing!
./.git/ from .js
02/23/2023 at 21:02 • 0 commentsLong on going process but this is a mile stone for me. Invoking method in javascript to execute step of preparation directory for packitso project.
Init with many handlers, git repository (local), carusela files
Getting there.
*note from wiki*
My first web page in bash.
02/13/2023 at 22:18 • 0 commentsProcrastination is interesting. This time by wandering in oiyshTerminal stuff. I started a process of organizing README.md files. DEBIAN/control and then if in it you have a web page :P Still really interesting project. Most of my professional code worker. Web page was from apache from php using mysql, .... But this one is different.
Files semi organized all over file system. Many projects but there is a repository builder!
o.O perfect list for bash to start cycle of collecting info over a project then indexing it locally for file over headers.
Then mixing more with sugar and some sprinkles.
$ ./otdm2Wiki.sh
Global otdm-index landed in git push it? [Y/n]y
then git push
Enumerating objects: 11, done.
Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
......Wiki updated.
Nice !
Happy to share with you new wiki set on oiyshTerminal:
02/12/2023 at 22:37 • 0 commentsNice process collecting all data possible about list of projects in repository, agregation then .md for wifi. Now I have unify wiki system for packages. NICE
check it out... https://github.com/yOyOeK1/oiyshTerminal/wiki/otdm-cmqtt2mysql#otdm-family
Hero to main - push (termux is installing)
02/12/2023 at 11:19 • 0 commentsIt's time when you need to help me. I need your feed back about: How it's to try it from out site. Is the installation for you went well. Stuff like that. I have to paths:
Those are the manuals how to get otdm-yss running on your setup. yss Is a web interface. Now you will get only test functions page and screens manager to play with your remotes displays. I'm working on releasing more .deb's
Full description about idea is at main readme.md.
Example: You have android device. You need to have running Node-red on something. You can set up Node-RED running in 1 line. (This command is for Termux)
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yOyOeK1/oiyshTerminal/main/installer/run2.sh > ./run2.sh; . ./run2.sh
And you will have it running no time...More packages is coming . ..
Next big commit - ubuntu 22.04 has landed...
02/10/2023 at 18:54 • 0 commentsThere was a plan that we will go in to the tunnel. It will be darkness all a round as. In far distance faded light will appear. It will grow in power. More and more. Power of the light is noticeable on the skin in for of hit radiation from photons. End of the tunnel ! It's a light.
Or a freight train?
Bum ubuntu users 22.04 now have instruction and a option to test how it's to use otdm-*
Bem - From zero to Hearo branch
02/07/2023 at 20:59 • 0 commentsNow you can try yss with apt !
Step by step I'm getting there :) the tunnel is there ! So on repository of project there now is a .md file with some information on steps for ubuntu 22.04 users. How to start from vanilla system to web page with yss.
Repository branch installation description: https://github.com/yOyOeK1/oiyshTerminal/blob/fromZeroToHero/otdm-ubuntu-vanilla-install.md
Breaking point - koncept to image 0.1
02/01/2023 at 23:03 • 0 commentsThis monster in growing in back of my head. I'm procrastinating on all sites. Building testing. Fixing and destroying parts of it. Doing it possible for every one. The hole image of it is like clouds with details showing that it's something going on in nodejs. That one on right need bash with jq to read log from file. So otdmWcspWebSocket was born. Now web site have access to bash! video of one of the first contacts.
update your system from web page :P with prompt from system one button.
Do something on shell level from a page by one line is nice. otdm-yss-multiSVG is a faaaaaast way to do HMI as fast you can draw in inkscape and name the objects :P video about it. Buttons to send value after press. No problem from inkscape.
Beam link....link to repository of multiSVG
Image is big like sky. I don't want to have limits :) Selecting one spot details wear showing up. String from one cloud of things are fallowing to a other cloud of stuff. OTDM OTDM OTDM
Day of otdm-cmqtt2mysql came. Pomp up to use some good diff and patch action was in front of me. The plan was to add script to build patch file to patch main.c. I don't not it that now why i don't read file but. It is compiling with settings in it. I'm giving source... so tralala coding :P
I want to do apt install otdm-cmqtt2mysql and have it running. It's one of first parts what I wrote o start of oiyshTerminal project. Fast, dithing able, connection mqtt to mysql. All that are puzzle. In correct arrangement mature apps are building Localized Of Things / HMI.
Bam. it's doing it. now uninstall. ....... .......build .49 DONE :) From Ubuntu vanilla to a hero ! mosquitto, mysql, db inits, otdm-tools installed, systemd updated reporting running service.
Image is bigger