
A stack.

It started as a software data stack. Because I need it. It has become a hardware control stack.

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C's standard ABI is ridiculous.

Work in progress.

This project describes a part of an ABI that looks like old-school Pascal, except that a hardware stack (or something emulating it) is much safer and faster. It does not need to change most high-level source code but compilers, libraries, linkers, processors etc. must account for:

  • a software-defined data stack (to store the function's frame containing local variables)
  • a hardware control-only stack (for call/return, looping or try/throw/catch for example).

The software data stack is a very old trick so nothing to say about it. The hardware stack however pulls a few tricks from its sleeves.


Implementations considered for #YGREC32 and #F-CPU.

Stay tuned.



1. First article
2. First code
3. ___

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 11/15/2024 at 02:15 point

So it was all Edsgar Dijkstra's fault !
Dijkstra, E.W. (1960) Recursive Programming. Num. Mathematik, 2, 312-. 318.

" Dijkstra’s Rallying Cry for Generalization: The Advent of the Recursive Procedure, late 1950s — early 1960s" Edgar G. Daylight Autumn, 2010

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