

A Mini Keyboard that types two factor one time passwords for you

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The 2FA Sidecar is a small side keyboard of either 2 or 5 Keys that will send time based two factor authentication as typed keyboard keys with just a single key press.
The sidecar is compatible with Googles 2FA (TOTP; specified in RFC 6238) and works with many different systems. The device was developed because in my day job i spend a lot of time switching between security levels in different parts of a network I administer and need to open the phone grab the code type it in etc. The sidecar does it all with one key press and supports up to 5 TOTP's for different systems. You can also of cause read the code off the TFT screen on the front of the device and type it yourself as well. The device should work on any platform that supports USB HID.

Complete instructions can be found on github
Video can be found on youtube


The 2FA Sidecar is a small external keyboard-like device with five keys specifically designed for generating and sending time-based two-factor authentication (2FA) codes with a single key press. It is primarily designed to be compatible with Google's 2FA implementation known as Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP), which is specified in RFC 6238.

The purpose of the 2FA Sidecar is to simplify the process of using 2FA codes when switching between different security levels in various parts of a network. Instead of having to manually open your phone, retrieve the code, and type it in, the sidecar device allows you to generate and send the code with just a single key press.

The device supports up to five different TOTP codes for different systems, allowing you to manage multiple 2FA-enabled accounts or services. Additionally, it features a TFT screen on the front where you can read the generated code if you prefer to type it manually.

The 2FA Sidecar is compatible with any platform that supports USB HID (Human Interface Device) protocols, making it versatile and usable across a wide range of devices and operating systems.


When the sidecar is running in normal mode it is not accessible by any network services and maintains a network connection to update accurate time from a time server only. So it should not be easy for a malicious actor to connect to the sidecar and access the TOTP salt. It would be however possible to download new code to the ESP32 and then retrieve the salts from the parameters memory. So if you want to keep it as secure as possible. You may burn the protective Efuses on the ESP32 to protect flash memory. Even with this done it may be possible to retrieve the salts by much smarter people then i. So i warrant nothing. Use it at your own risk. It goes without question to say also that if someone is in possession of the device they can use your TOTP so you need to keep the device secure. In the same way you would with any key fob.

Hardware Required

Adafruit ESP32-S3 Reverse TFT Feather - 4MB Flash, 2MB PSRAM, STEMMA QT

Case can be printed from PLA/ABS or whatever really

5 X Cherry MX switches click=good

5 X Cherry MX key caps you can source your own or print them many people sell them There's all sorts. Hookup wire soldering iron and hand tools, super glue 

Core electronics stock all of the above.

3D Printing
The 3d model is based on cherry mx macro pad by LeoAnth found on thingiverse. I remixed that design to fit the Reverse TFT Feather it also has a pin hole so you can access the reset button externally so once complete the boot loader can be accessed.  It prints fine without supports on my snapmaker in both ABS and PLA. Print it upside down with no special options. The Lid can then be glued in place once the project is complete and tested. There are also two small plastic squares that can be used to hold the feather in position. Use a drop of glue to hold them in position. I then just used 6 drops of super glue to afix the bottom.

base.stl - Bottom plate.
main_body.stl - Main unit print upside down keys pop in.
shroud.stl - Optional but to put around keys.
standoffs.stl - Plastic bits to hold the ESP32 in place


To Wire the Cherry MX keys is very simple. Wire one leg of each key to ground and then run a wire from the other leg of each key to the following pins. You might want to solder the switches before you pop them into the case. They can be held with a drop of glue but will fit snugly without as well.

Key 1 = Pin (5)
Key 2 = Pin (6)
Key 3 = Pin (9)
Key 4 = Pin (10)

That's it. Once you flash the esp32 and power up press key 1 within the first 3 second of booting and you will enter a self test and config mode. In the self test mode you can push each key one by one and it will verify your soldering and operation of the keys. Once all 5 keys have...

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  • 1 × Adafruit ESP32-S3 Reverse TFT Feather - 4MB Flash, 2MB PSRAM, STEMMA QT
  • 1 × Case can be printed from PLA/ABS or whatever really
  • 5 × Cherry MX switches
  • 5 × Cherry MX key caps
  • 1 × Hookup wire soldering iron and hand tools, super glue 

  • PIN Number access - I know it's a tautology

    Matt Perkins06/20/2023 at 10:17 0 comments

    Version 1.10+ has an optional 4 digit identification number  for access. A 4 digit PIN can be added from the setup screen and then when the sidecar boots up it will ask for the PIN before you can access the two factor tokens. An incorrect pin will reboot the device and ask again.  The delay can be set in includes if needed. 


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  • 1

    To Wire the Cherry MX keys is very simple. Wire one leg of each key to ground and then run a wire from the other leg of each key to the following pins. You might want to solder the switches before you pop them into the case. They can be held with a drop of glue but will fit snugly without as well.

  • 2

    That's it. Once you flash the esp32 and power up press key 1 within the first 3 second of booting and you will enter a self test and config mode. In the self test mode you can push each key one by one and it will verify your soldering and operation of the keys. Once all 5 keys have been pushed the system will proceed to the config web menu.

  • 3
    Initial Config

    Configuration is very simple. On powering up the sidecar press key 1 (the key closest to the TFT) within 3 seconds. As it's printing all the dots ...

    You will then enter the self test menu. Press each key in turn until you see "test pass" If you do not see a test passed check your wiring. Once the test is passed the system will enter a mode where you edit the config

    At this point you will need to add some TOTP salts. These can be found when your one time password is initially generated on the service you want to authenticate . It will usually represent as a QR code. When you see the QR code there is usually an option display your code manually. Find that option which will typically display a group of base32 letters. It might look something like this WWKAAJJWJJAASZ====.

    The sidecar can store up to five TOTP salts (one for each key) so make sure you have them all in advance ready to configure your sidecar. Once your ready and the self test has passed you will be able to connect to the sidecar over wifi. Use your smart phone or computer to scan for the SSID "Key-Sidecar" and connect. Once connected open your favorite browser and connect to and you should see the config menu

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Matt Perkins wrote 06/20/2023 at 03:28 point

Thanks it's quite simple to build one yourself with not much complex electronics. 

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Dan Maloney wrote 06/20/2023 at 00:24 point

Hey, this is great! I really need to build something like this for myself. Until then, I wrote this up for the blog, should publish soon. Nice job! And good luck!

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