One fine day, the timer on the office microwave stopped working normally. I had an arduino uno and an LCD display at hand, and I decided it was time to upgrade for the microwave.
(P.S.: a joke text written with a marker on the microwave: dear colleagues, from 11/20.23 the heating will cost 20 rubles/minute, payment by QR code on the display)
Why not add a candy acceptor. Like a coin acceptor, but for candies. I would never wish colleagues "bad appetite"... but if you do it anyway, you can change this to "good appetite" each time a colleague inserts a candy.
PS: wishing for a bad appetite is not in the context of really wishing for a bad appetite with dislike, but as a joke (no one was offended :), everyone laughed). in our mentality, it really sounds like a joke.
Хыхыхых, русский