Quantity   Component name
2 × Breadboard Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components
1 × Elegoo Mega2560 R3
1 × H Bridge Motor Drive Tech, L298N Motor Driver Interface and IO ICs / Peripheral Drivers and Actuators
4 × DC3V 6V Dual Axis Gear Motor Motors
4 × Plastic tyre wheel
1 × 9V Batteries
2 × Active Buzzer
1 × Passive Buzzer
2 × HC SR04 Ultrasound Ultrasound sensors
1 × RF433MHz Transmitter Radio transmitter
1 × RF433MHz Receiver
3 × RUNCCI-YUN Push Buttons Switch with caps
1 × 8 x 8 monochrome MAX7219 LED matrix
2 × HC-05 Bluetooth modules
1 × Pixy camera