This is a business card that uses persistence of vision to display characters in space generated via hand actuation. An accelerometer/gyroscope is used to detect the direction of actuation to properly cycle through character pixels in the appropriate direction so that the character is displayed correctly for both up and down hand swings.
The project is run on an ATMega328PU which receives telemetry from a GY-521 module which itself is based on the MPU-6050 combination accelerometer/gyroscope. The ucontroller receives telemetry on the Analog 4 and 5 pins via I2C. The telemetry is processed to determine the direction of travel and the ucontroller outputs digital high/low signals on digital pins 5 through 13 to light the LEDs, There are two momentary button switches attached to digital pins 2 and 3 with internal pull-up resistors for user input.
Here is a video demonstrating the effect:
The text being scrolled says "DTWPROJECTS.COM"
A bit labor intensive and expensive to hand out freely but this business card might work better for projecting contact details in a way that stands out - just as long as the room isn't too bright : )
So cool! I have no interest in entering the contest myself, but recently acquired a PCB mill and would be willing to either mill you prototypes PCBs with black laser etched solder mask (silk screen capability coming soon hopefully) or just work on it alongside you and test / provide feedback for you. Love the Atmel chips and also was wanting to work on something with POV, it's such a cool little trick. The old idea I had (which I don't think is actually possible at their slow speed) was to mount LEDs in a line alongside your rear windshield wiper and have a button that would allow you to have the wiper wipe and display "F***K YOU" or "GET OFF MY ASS" or whatever goofy thing.