
Method #15 - FAIL

A project log for Safe IC decapping while preserving bond wires

Decapping using hardware store available materials and relatively safe procedure

100dollarhacker100dollarhacker 09/07/2024 at 15:280 Comments

Just like #14 but with much more potassium nitrate.

 I've added much more Potassium nitrate and even with no heat I got some droplets. Now applied heat for 45mins, let's open it up and see how much I got.

There are some drops but I was unable to get them. 

The potassium nitrate was wet I guess it has a lot of Nitric acid to produce. Probably I should apply much more heat. But if I apply more heat ot will break the connector that I 3D printed. 

I guess I should use the glass and breakers everybody uses. 
