
Atari Synth Box

Made the popular Atari Synth dual 555 timer based Tone generator from-scratch.

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Greetings everyone and welcome back.

Here's something loud and exciting: the Atari Synth Box. The Atari Synth Box is a sound generator that uses two potentiometers to modulate and generate sound using two 555-timer ICs.
We created our own Atari Punk Console, which is incredibly small and utilizes all SMD components, borrowing influence from the original. A 3D printed enclosure was created to hold all the electronics in a compact yet organized form.

Our version needs an external speaker in order to deliver sound, and it requires a 12V input and a 3.5mm audio jack output.

This article is about the whole build process of this small project, so let's get started with the build.

Atari Punk Consoles (APCs) are a type of DIY sound synthesizer that use the 555 timer IC (integrated circuit) to produce square wave sounds reminiscent of early video game music. The name "Atari Punk Console" was coined by Forrest Mims III, who originally published the design as a "Stepped Tone Generator." The sound produced is similar to the chiptunes from Atari games, hence the name.

Here, we have used two 555-timer ICs coupled in both astable and monostable multivibrator modes. This means that one timer IC is operating in free mode and generating a square wave signal. As a result, the tone is continuous. The first 555 timer IC generates an external signal that triggers the second 555 timer, which generates a single output pulse. We can change these rhythmic patterns with the potentiometers.


We first included a model of potentiometer and a knob switch in Fusion360, as these two components would be the center of our design.

We used two potentiometers and positioned them side by side, with a toggle switch in between. These parts formed the basis of the enclosure design, and the circuit was installed inside the housing.

The enclosure was divided into two sections: the lid portion and the main body, which houses all of the electronics. We also included a third element, which was an Atari logo that was positioned on top of the main body of the enclosure.

To print the enclosure main body, we use Grey PLA at 0.2mm layer height and 20% infill through a 0.6mm Nozzle.

We used white PLA to print the lid portion with identical settings, and two colors of filament were used to create the logo.


After completing the model, we started the PCB design process, which started with creating the schematic.

Two 555 timer ICs are used in this project; the first timer is set up in astable mode. The middle lead of a 100k potentiometer has been added to the 555's discharge pin. The potentiometer is then connected to VCC via a 1k resistor, and the third pin is linked to the trigger and threshold pins.

The trigger pin of the second timer IC, which is set up in monostable mode, receives the output from the first 555 timer IC.

Here, we have added a second potentiometer that is wired between the second timer IC's discharge-threshold pin and VCC.

In order to connect the speaker, we have added a CON2 header pin. This pin is connected to the second timer IC's output via a 470 ohm resistor. Here, we can alter the speaker's volume by reducing the 470 ohm value.

In addition, a 10 uF electrolytic capacitor has been added to the speaker output—not on the circuit—to serve as a filter.

By creating the outline and mounting holes by referring to the Cad design from the model, we designed the PCB and then sent it to HQ NextPCB for samples.

HQ NextPCB Service

After completing the PCB design, we export the Gerber data and send it to HQ NextPCB for samples.

We placed an order for a Blue Soldermask LED board.

After placing the order, the PCBs were received within a week, and the PCB quality was pretty great.

HQ NextPCB and HQ Online are the overseas trading brands of Shenzhen Huaqiu Electronics Co., Ltd. Huaqiu has served national engineers for over 15 years, becoming a household name for providing full-feature multilayer PCBs engineers can trust.

NextPCB brings these capabilities speed, affordability, and more—to international customers, skipping the middleman and providing the same intelligent online quotation system from the industry’s experts.

Huaqiu Electronics believes innovation is key to maintaining excellence, which has motivated them to transform the electronics manufacturing industry. Huaqiu’s in-house engineers developed the free Design for Manufacturing software, HQDFM, revolutionizing how PCB designers visualize and verify their designs.

HQDFM: Free Online Gerber Viewer and DFM Analysis Tool

Also, NextPCB has its own Gerber Viewer and DFM analysis software....

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  • 1
    PCB Assembly
    • First, we used a solder paste dispensing needle to apply solder paste (standard 37/63 Sn-Pb solder paste) to each component pad.
    • Next, we pick and place each component onto their designated pad with the help of an ESD tweezer.
    • The circuit is next placed on our PCB hotplate, which heats it from below up to the solder paste melting temperature. At this point, the components are connected to their pads as soon as the PCB achieves the solder paste melting temperature, in our case, 200 °C.

    The circuit is now complete.

  • 2
    Body Assembly
    • In order to attach the circuit in place, the first step in the body assembly is to add threaded inserts to the holes that have been created inside the body. In this case, we are utilizing M2.5 threaded inserts.
    • Next, we insert the DC barrel jack on the body and tighten it using the included nut.
    • The two potentiometers were then inserted into their designated locations and fastened with the included nut.
    • In a similar manner, we inserted the toggle switch and used the included washer and nut to fasten it in place.
    • The circuit is positioned over the mounting holes and fastened in place with two M2.5 bolts after the barrel jack, potentiometers, and switch have been mounted.
    • To secure the audio jack in place, we placed a little bit of hot glue on the rib added within the body and then placed the audio jack board over it.

    The basic assembly has been completed.

  • 3

    This circuit already had everything labeled on it, which made wiring really easy. Using the CON3 and CON2 provided on the circuit with the label POT, we first connected the two potentiometers.

    Next, we connected the DC jack's negative to the switch terminal. The switch's other terminal is connected to the circuit is negative, which is likewise marked with a negative symbol.

    Positive of DC jack will be connected with positive marked terminal of circuit.

    We are utilizing an SMD Audio Jack for the output, and the speaker output's negative and ground are linked.

    Furthermore, a 10uF 25V capacitor was attached to the speaker output's positive terminal. The capacitor's negative terminal is linked to the audio jack's positive terminal.

    Check the wiring diagram for a better depiction

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