
Etch sAo Sketch

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Here it is! The Etch sAo Sketch you know you want.

+ 1.5" inch 128x128 grayscale OLED screen (0x3C/3D SSD1327 with the NOTCHED PCB!))
+ two trim pots with tiny 3D-printed caps
+ a 3-axis accelerometer (0x18/19 LIS3DH with 3 analog inputs... 0.8 to 1.6 Volts usable...)

The OLED version is first. All of the features will be natively accessible to a badge with I2C.

I'm particularly happy with the "alignment spheres" - look closely for those. They serve to align the frame and display PCBs. Both boards lined up nicely on the first try!

There are a lot more details and pictures in the project logs.

The ePaper version will come later...

This SAO features an 128x128 pixel OLED screen controllable with I2C along with a 3-axis accelerometer to enable more creativity for games and applications. The two analog potentiometers are accessed through the GPIO 1 & 2 pins of the SAO port. This is a crispy fresh (unbroken) screen:

Video Demo (before I discovered I was using a broken screen sample - oops!):

Control is external, from a badge or other I2C MCU. Might I suggest the SAO Demo Controller... That's what I'm using in the demo.

It's now ready to be shared at Supercon 2024!

A version with ePaper is planned later.


Etch sAo Sketch V1 Schematic (with address notes)

Adobe Portable Document Format - 136.27 kB - 10/28/2024 at 02:13


View all 6 components

  • Etch sAo Sketch is alive a well!

    Andy Geppert10/11/2024 at 20:35 0 comments

    It's working!!!

    This prototype turned out extremely well. I'm very happy with it. The components went together smoothly, with only a minor (trimmable) interference between the SAO header and an adjacent resistor on the back side. The pots work surprisingly well and have just enough travel to provide fine control over the dot, and have good friction.

    Gotta finish up the documentation next!

  • Bring-up, first curve ball...

    Andy Geppert10/10/2024 at 05:04 0 comments

    Well, this is the first time I've used an ADC that didn't offer 0 to 3.3V range. I didn't look closely at the LIS3DH accelerometer data sheet until I started testing the boards.

    Thank you for clearing this up, Adafruit team!

    Good thing I wired those pots to GPIO1 and 2 of the SAO port!

    But the good news is that all of the hardware works! I'm excited to see what possibilities are unleashed with the 3-axis accelerometer as part of the user interface.

  • Boards arrived! Let the bring-up begin!

    Andy Geppert10/10/2024 at 04:55 2 comments

    Oh yeah, these look good!

    Here are the copper alignment balls in position:

    With a gentle pressure between the two boards, the spheres nestle into the holes in the boards and provide alignment between them. They are soldering in place and secure the bottom edge of the boards together:

    And final soldered of the OLED header pins on the top edge, to connect and secure the other end:

    And now for some potentiometers:

    Then apply the proper knobs:

    Now it's time for some coding and testing. I ran example code for the OLED and Accelerometer and it worked! In the photo, I'm only connect to the SAO via the four pins that are also anchored to the OLED display. 

    Next, I need to tie it all together and get the user interface "just right." Including the accelerometers!

  • Design Ideas and Compromises

    Andy Geppert10/09/2024 at 01:25 0 comments

    The two big constraints for this design are the size and the desire to keep everything on the I2C bus for the sake of easy access with an SAO port. I think I've pulled together a design that offers the right mix of capabilities and holding up the design expectations with something called Etch sAo Sketch. Here is the V1 design, as released for prototyping.

    Also the trick used by [Aaron] in the Macintosh SAO, where the OLED header pins are solder to surface mount pads on the bottom of the board. I also wanted to deploy another trick, using "tooling balls" which I'll share more on later, to align and secure the OLED board to the bottom of my board.

    After a several rounds of designing, compromising, component selection, making paper and 3D-printed templates...

    I finally settled on a 1.5" OLED screen and potentiometers that just barely fit, and a LIS3DH accelerometer (with analog inputs for the pots!). This means all aspects of the SAO can be controlled with the I2C bus. Here is a proof of concept:

    Bonus: these are gray scale capable OLED screens which I'm looking forward to making use of. Here are renders of the board design:

    Back side with the accelerometer and associated components tucked into a gap between the OLED board, the main board here, the potentiometer, and the SAO socket:

    Those big yellow plated-through-holes at the bottom will be used for the tooling ball concept.

    The schematic is relatively simple. SAO Port -> Display -> Accelerometer -> Two Analog Pots. The potentiometer outputs are tied to the GPIO 1 and 2 pins of the SAO port, and into the analog inputs of the accelerometer.

    And now it's time to release it for the first round of prototypes. I'm committing to a small batch with the SMD assembly included, and will use the panelization services of JLCPCB to keep the final parts free of fiducials and tooling holes.

    I've set aside the ePaper version for now to focus on the OLED version. But the ePaper screen I choose should fit, and with some hacking, I think I can make a proof-of-concept for that version after I get this version going.

    Next post should be with parts in hand, and ready to bring-up!

  • Architecture Options

    Andy Geppert09/18/2024 at 14:06 4 comments

    After a wide survey of options, I think there are two architectures that standout for this project. The first one meets the MUST HAVE requirements and the second one exceeds the NICE TO HAVE requirements with significant benefits and capabilities. I welcome feedback and discussion on this fork in the road!

    ARCHITECTURE V1 (OLED with I2C simplicity):

    • Display is OLED with I2C control directly via SAO I2C lines.
    • The two knobs are analog pots, each connected to GPIO 1 and 2 of the SAO port.
    • Accelerometer is connected to the SAO I2C lines.

    Architecture V1 is the easiest and most direct path to a solution. But it lacks the ePaper, which I think is the magical element that will really make the Etch sAo Sketch pop. OLEDs are nice, but I think people will enjoy ePaper more. This will be my starting point. Maybe using a fully illuminated OLED display, with the drawing point being OFF pixels will sell the look?

    ARCHITECTURE V2 (ePaper, I2C-to-SPI bridging, standalone MCU operation, with even more benefits):

    • Display is ePaper, which is only available with a SPI interface. Minimal [enough] SPI functionality could be bit-banged through the 4 available SAO lines, but this deviates from the I2C bus standard expected with SAOs. Therefore, I2C to SPI translation is needed. A dedicated solution exists as an NXP SC18IS606 I2C to SPI Bridge, about $3 in low volumes. But a DIY MCU bridge could easily cost less. See MCU point further down...
    • The two knobs are still analog pots, optionally connected to SAO GPIO1&2, or tied to the MCU onboard the SAO, enabling stand-alone operation.
    • Accelerometer is still connected to SAO I2C lines, and optionally accessible by the onboard MCU.
    • The MCU. I could roll my own dedicated bridge on a low cost MCU like this, but I'd like to pick up a lot more functionality by using a small pre-made MCU board. Considering capability, compatibility, support, ubiquity, price, a desire for USB-C to Arduino simplicity... leads me to the RP2040-Zero and ESP32-C3. Both of those are available for < $2. I really like the drag-n-drop simplicity for firmware on the RP2040 (no IDE needed), but I also like that the ESP32-C3 opens the door for this SAO to access Wifi and BT. Perhaps I can configure the footprint on the back of the SAO to work with either board. Otherwise, it's likely the RP2040 simplicity is going to end up in this architecture.
    • I2C to SPI Bridge: I can do the direct ePaper/SPI heavy-lifting in the ESP, and offer a simplified (and customizable) protocol to the SAO port in either I2C or UART (UART per the SAO standard). And maybe this DIY I2C-SPI bridge could be a spin-off project library to benefit the SAO community and beyond.
    • Having a configurable I2C to SPI Bridge in an MCU also opens the door to other SPI displays, like multi-color OLED and TFT options. This I2C constraint really only exists in the SAO port right now, so not sure that's a big seller. Although, Badge Life and SAOs would benefit more. Considering the whole impetus of this project and the Supercon Add On contest is to stretch into more I2C functionality, why not open the door to SPI too?!
    • Does this mean the SAO becomes the badge?

    Architecture V2 is going to be my extra credit project.

    Can I complete both by October 15?

  • Requirements

    Andy Geppert09/18/2024 at 13:39 0 comments

    Must have:

    • Display
    • Two knobs
    • Accelerometer
    • SAO connector and I2C control
    • A single 2-layer PCBA with maximum size W 40mm x H 50mm
    • Completed by Supercon 8 SAO contest deadline Oct 15.

    Nice to have:

    • A button (could be used to clear the screen without accelerometer, maybe change modes)
    • Optional standalone mode, operating from only 3V3 SAO power, including an MCU.
      • Accessible, supported, and easy to use MCU with a USB cable and Arduino IDE
    • Display using ePaper, although OLED is directly I2C compatible.

View all 6 project logs

  • 1
    OLED Power Solder Jumper Setting and Pad Prep

    On the bottom side of the board, there are two solder jumpers that need to be configured for the OLED panel you are using. Some panels come with the GND and 3V3 positions reversed, so these are left open for you to configure to match the OLED board you have. You can also pre-tin the four OLED pads to make them easier to solder to in the final step. See the photo below:

    JP2 selects whether the outermost OLED pin is 3V3 or GND. JP1 selects the inner pin polarity. The configuration shown above seems to be 

  • 2
    OLED Alignment Spheres

    Solder the two 2.5mm copper spheres into the large round through-hole pads near the bottom edge of the board, on the back side. You can solder them from the side with the spheres, or flip the board right-side-up on a silicone matt, and solder the sphere into position, through the hole, from the front side. The final result you are going for:

  • 3
    Install OLED Board and secure to bottom edge

    Place the OLED board down on the back side of the Etch sAo Sketch PCB, and align the bottom holes of over the spheres. Gently hold the two PCBs together like a sandwich, and solder through the open OLED board holes onto the copper spheres.

    Before soldering:

    After soldering:

View all 8 instructions

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Tom Nardi wrote 10/19/2024 at 06:27 point

The "alignment spheres" for the display are blowing my mind. The whole design is awesome.

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Andy Geppert wrote 10/21/2024 at 03:46 point

Thank you! That was a fun stroke of inspiration. They are common in the machining and metrology worlds.

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