

Recreating a small and updated version of the legendary 2-player trackball arcade game TEHKAN WORD CUP

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For the recreation, we will use a mini PC of no more than 50€ and a screen size of 8". For the trackballs I will reuse the work I did with the all-in-one arcade controller. I will recreate a stadium in 3D and I will discard putting any glass or protection. In short, retro nostalgia and hours of fun for a home version.

Tehkan World Cup (1985) – A Classic Arcade Soccer Game

Tehkan World Cup is an arcade soccer game released in 1985 by Tehkan (now Tecmo). It was a pioneer in the genre thanks to its fast-paced gameplay and its unique dual trackball control system, which offered an unprecedented level of precision and speed for its time.

🕹️ Controls and Mechanics with the Trackball

The trackball was the key to Tehkan World Cup's gameplay. Unlike traditional joysticks, this control system allowed for more natural and responsive movements.

🏃 Player Movement

  • Spinning the trackball gently made the player walk.
  • Spinning it quickly increased speed, allowing for sprinting.
  • Changing direction abruptly helped players lose their markers faster.

⚽ Shooting and Passing

To shoot or pass, players had to strike the trackball with different intensities and directions:

  • Short Pass 🟢: A soft tap in the desired direction made accurate ground passes.
  • Power Shot 🔥: A fast spin of the trackball combined with a strong strike resulted in a powerful shot.
  • Curved Ball Effect 🔄: Spinning the trackball diagonally or in a circular motion before shooting made the ball curve, confusing the goalkeeper.
  • Lob Shot 🏹: A quick flick of the trackball from bottom to top lifted the ball for a lob shot.

🔥 Popular Tricks and Strategies

🎯 Unstoppable Shot from the Wing

  • Running toward the edge of the penalty area and then spinning the trackball diagonally inward resulted in a near-unstoppable cross-shot.

🌀 Banana Shot (Deadly Curve)

  • Making a semicircular motion with the trackball before shooting added an incredible curve to the ball, tricking the goalkeeper.

💨 Lightning Sprint

  • Spinning the trackball with both hands at maximum speed made players run at full pace, outpacing slow defenders.

🥅 Olimpico Goal (Scoring from a Corner Kick)

  • Adding spin to the trackball while taking a corner kick could curve the ball straight into the goal.

🏆 Fun Facts and Anecdotes

🔥 Intense Arcade Battles It was common to see players completely absorbed in the game, furiously spinning the trackballs to gain speed and power. Some even wrapped their fingers in tape or wore gloves to avoid blisters after long sessions.

🎮 Broken Machines and Damaged Trackballs Due to the intense gameplay, many arcade machines suffered wear and tear on their trackballs. Some arcade owners even placed warning signs asking players not to hit them too hard.

⚽ Birth of Rivalries Tehkan World Cup became a hotspot for fierce competition in many arcades. Informal tournaments were organized, and top players were constantly challenged by new contenders.

📜 Legacy and Impact

Tehkan World Cup was not only a hit in its time but also laid the foundation for future arcade soccer games. Its innovative control system and fast-paced gameplay inspired later titles like Tecmo World Cup '90 and SNK’s legendary Super Sidekicks series.

Its impact still lingers in the memories of those who spent hours spinning trackballs with all their might, chasing that perfect goal. 😆⚽



ino - 7.25 kB - 02/28/2025 at 07:03


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    SrRubio02/26/2025 at 21:45 0 comments
  • Analog adjustments

    SrRubio02/25/2025 at 13:15 0 comments

  • Video finish project

    SrRubio02/25/2025 at 13:12 0 comments

  • Connection diagram

    SrRubio02/24/2025 at 14:40 0 comments

  • Finish pictures

    SrRubio02/23/2025 at 16:52 0 comments

  • Finish project

    SrRubio02/23/2025 at 16:44 0 comments
  • Cost summary

    SrRubio02/20/2025 at 10:20 0 comments

  • Assembly completed

    SrRubio02/20/2025 at 06:41 0 comments

    I've had problems with the power cable for the screen. It kept flickering and wouldn't turn on. I'm waiting to be able to change it and fix the stadium so I can start enjoying it.

  • Details spanish translate

    SrRubio02/19/2025 at 15:25 0 comments

    🕹️ Controles y Mecánicas con el Trackball

    El uso del trackball era la clave de la experiencia de Tehkan World Cup. Este control permitía maniobras más naturales y rápidas en comparación con los tradicionales joysticks.

    🏃 Movimiento de los jugadores

    • Girar el trackball suavemente hacía que el jugador caminara.
    • Girarlo rápido aumentaba la velocidad, permitiendo correr.
    • Cambiar bruscamente de dirección hacía que los jugadores se desmarcaran más rápido.

    ⚽ Tiros y Pases

    Para ejecutar disparos o pases, los jugadores golpeaban el trackball con diferentes intensidades y direcciones:

    • Pase corto 🟢: Un golpe suave hacia la dirección deseada permitía hacer pases rasos y precisos.
    • Disparo potente 🔥: Un giro rápido del trackball y un golpe fuerte generaban tiros potentes.
    • Efecto en el balón 🔄: Si se giraba el trackball en diagonal o en forma circular justo antes del disparo, el balón tomaba efecto, lo que confundía al portero rival.
    • Globo o vaselina 🏹: Golpeando el trackball de abajo hacia arriba con un movimiento seco, el balón se elevaba, logrando tiros bombeados.

    🔥 Trucos y Estrategias Populares

    🎯 Disparo Imparable desde la Banda

    • Si se corría hacia el borde del área y se giraba el trackball rápidamente en diagonal hacia adentro, se podía lanzar un tiro cruzado casi imparable para el portero.

    🌀 Efecto Banana (Curva Letal)

    • Haciendo un giro semicircular con el trackball antes del disparo, el balón tomaba una curva espectacular, engañando al portero.

    💨 Carrera Relámpago

    • Girando el trackball con ambas manos al máximo, los jugadores alcanzaban su velocidad máxima, logrando superar a defensas lentos.

    🥅 Gol Olímpico (Desde el Córner)

    • Si se giraba el trackball con efecto justo en un saque de esquina, el balón podía entrar directo en la portería.

    🏆 Curiosidades y Anécdotas

    🔥 Batallas Épicas en Arcades Era común ver a jugadores completamente metidos en el juego, golpeando los trackballs con fuerza para ganar velocidad y potencia en los tiros. Algunos incluso envolvían sus dedos en cinta adhesiva o usaban guantes para evitar ampollas tras largas sesiones.

    🎮 Máquinas Rotos y Trackballs Dañados Debido al frenético uso, muchas máquinas sufrían desperfectos en los trackballs. En algunos salones recreativos, los dueños colocaban advertencias para que los jugadores no golpearan con demasiada fuerza.

    ⚽ Origen de las Rivalidades En muchos arcades, Tehkan World Cup se convirtió en un punto de competencia feroz. Se organizaban torneos informales, donde los mejores jugadores eran desafiados constantemente por nuevos retadores.

    📜 Legado y Relevancia

    Tehkan World Cup no solo fue un éxito en su época, sino que también sentó las bases para futuros juegos de fútbol arcade. Su sistema de control innovador y su ritmo frenético inspiraron títulos como Tecmo World Cup '90 y la icónica saga Super Sidekicks de SNK.

    Su impacto sigue vivo en la memoria de quienes disfrutaron de las tardes de arcade golpeando trackballs con todas sus fuerzas, buscando ese gol épico. 😆⚽

  • Fixing screen controller

    SrRubio02/17/2025 at 06:57 0 comments

View all 73 project logs

  • 1
    Print all parts.

    All parts are printed face up. Trackball parts have to be colored in the laminator with the corresponding color. I used a bambulab A1 with AMS 4 colors. The layer height used is 0.2mm and the infill 30%. I only used supports for the stadium roof.

    Label all parts on the side that is not visible.

  • 2
    Welding inserted nuts

    With the help of a soldering iron and a tip large enough to be able to insert and remove the nuts easily. For the speakers, USB, fans and power supply, the M3 nuts are used, for the rest, the M4 nuts are used.

  • 3
    Assembly the base

    The base is made up of two pieces joined together by two M4 nuts. I also used glue to keep them well joined. It is important for the rest of the construction that it remains as a single piece. Unfortunately, the size of my printer is a handicap. You can also use a welding iron with a flat tip and join the two pieces by heating the matching face. I did not do this, but it is very common to join PLA pieces together.

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Richard Hogben wrote 02/27/2025 at 00:11 point

The stadium enclosure is really cool

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