
7 inch Aida64 wireless sub-screen and microscope

The Aida64 wireless sub-screen is designed using the old version of Raspberry Pi and the new 7-inch display.

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When I got Raspberry Pi 4/5, the old version of Raspberry Pi 1/2/3 was on vacation because of its slow speed. The Aida64 on the PC occupied the HDMI port for a long time, which gave me the idea of making a wireless secondary screen. We designed a display with 3 input ports, which can be used with the old version of Raspberry Pi to realize my idea very conveniently.

Raspberry Pi 2 can run the buster 32-bit desktop system, and its built-in chromium browser only needs the following simple settings to display the PC-side aida64 interface. Of course, aida64 needs to work in RemoteSensor mode.

Edit /home/pi/.config/autostart/my.desktop on the Raspberry Pi using buster's terminal and a USB keyboard, with chromium set to point to the PC's IP:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=chromium --kiosk ""

ElecLab 7 inch Display:
STL file:

The 7-inch display has 2 HDMI input ports and one AV input port. One HDMI port is dedicated to the connection of the Raspberry Pi, and the other is a common HDMI port for connecting to an external PC/game console/HDMI development board/HDMI set-top box. There is also an AV port that we use to connect an old AV microscope lens, and of course it can also connect other AV cameras/AV game consoles.Of course I can also connect a professional HDMI microscope to the HDMI port of the display.

aida64 uses the default interface refresh rate of 1 second, so its network consumption is very low, about 200KB~500KB per second, and the power consumption of the whole machine is about 4W.

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