Arduino based calculator that will provide the judgements of King Wen and the also the commentaries of the Duke of Chou upon pressing the RED button. Can calculate numbers all the way up to a suffusion of yellow. All source and 3d files will be provided as I complete them.
I have got the basic setup working now i am using a i2c screen and a modular design. At the moment I'm using just a cardboard box for a case while i am working on my code. The code is coming along well as I have a splash screen X,/,+,- functions working and the RED button, enters I Ching mode. Floating point (decimal point numbers) currently only work for answers to division questions, and any answer above 4 always displays "A Suffusion of yellow". Entering I-Ching mode displays the first hexagram (which I have created custom characters for), and then the word "judgement" followed by a random number from 1 to 64. The correct I Ching judgements will be added later, as well as additional mathematical functions based on Douglas Adams description.
The first version was a single board, that was impossible to take apart, debug and repair. After I fried the LCD controller, which was serial i decided to start again as a modular project. Not much more to say, i am including it for the sake of being complete.