11/03/24 : Progress log
a day ago • 0 commentsSpeed regulation of the system will be done using a governor.
Found what kind of governor to use (Watt governor, fully gravity driven)
Started to look at requirements for manufacturing
Fine tuning will be done once prototype is assembled
started model of worm gear and handle.
03/04/2025 at 09:47 • 0 commentsRecived the kalimba. We worked with fusion 360°to upload the kalimba into the program then we measured the, angles, and size of the cylinder to fit the kalimba and the tines(notes).
25/02 Progress log
03/04/2025 at 09:35 • 0 commentsDecision upon the actual project : making a music box
Research of requirements for said project
Identification of 4 main requirements for it : resonance chamber, metal prongs, cylinder, rotation mechanism
The first two requirements are solved by using a kalimba as a base.
Working on the other two