
ScottCar A Go-Kart for a special child

A go-kart with an electrical emergency braking system for our disabled son

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I build this car for our autistic Son. Scott has 11 years now and he loves bobby-cars, but he is too tall now. A go-kart is not an option, because he does not know how to handle pedals and brakes. So I decided to build something between both cars.
He can move forward this design with his feet, like a bobby-car. In case it goes downside hill, the car will detect the speed and slow down automatically with an electric braking system. In case of emergency you can use the remote control to stop the car.

This is an open source project and runs under GNU General Public License version 3.

  • 1 × Arduino Nano
  • 2 × BD 745C Discrete Semiconductors / Power Transistors and MOSFETs
  • 2 × BD 746C Discrete Semiconductors / Power Transistors and MOSFETs
  • 1 × Siemens Motor with a screw drive
  • 1 × 12V Battery 7.5Ah

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Ulysse wrote 04/20/2017 at 21:49 point

go Alain,  go!

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Alain Mauer wrote 04/21/2017 at 08:22 point

Yes, yes and yes :) I´ll do my best :)

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Morning.Star wrote 04/20/2017 at 18:38 point

Best wishes to you and Scott, I hope this goes smoothly and works out well for him. Thats going to be a special gift for him, he's a lucky boy to have a dad who can.

Good luck :-)

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Alain Mauer wrote 04/21/2017 at 08:26 point

Thank you. We try to help him and us, as much as we can. I just finished his new room, with a modified bed, camera system and his ScottTv. 

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Morning.Star wrote 04/21/2017 at 16:10 point

With great responsibility comes power - AKA How to be a Superdad. ;-)

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samern wrote 04/19/2017 at 18:41 point

Outstanding.  I would love to see how it turns out.

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samern wrote 04/19/2017 at 16:38 point

This project deserves 1000 likes!

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Alain Mauer wrote 04/19/2017 at 18:31 point

Thanks a lot. Comments like this makes us happy. I've already started to organize the material. Hopefully I can start in the next 2 weeks with the build, so the car will be  finished for Scott's birthday by the end of June.



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Dusan Petrovic wrote 04/20/2017 at 13:06 point

Nice. Hope that car will be finished before Scott's b-day!

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Alain Mauer wrote 04/20/2017 at 13:18 point

I'll do my best, Wheels, brakes and screws are already ordered. :)

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