A go-kart with an electrical emergency braking system for our disabled son
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Best wishes to you and Scott, I hope this goes smoothly and works out well for him. Thats going to be a special gift for him, he's a lucky boy to have a dad who can.
Good luck :-)
Thank you. We try to help him and us, as much as we can. I just finished his new room, with a modified bed, camera system and his ScottTv.
With great responsibility comes power - AKA How to be a Superdad. ;-)
Thanks a lot. Comments like this makes us happy. I've already started to organize the material. Hopefully I can start in the next 2 weeks with the build, so the car will be finished for Scott's birthday by the end of June.
Nice. Hope that car will be finished before Scott's b-day!
I'll do my best, Wheels, brakes and screws are already ordered. :)
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go Alain, go!