
HiGrow plants monitoring sensor

soil moisture, humidity and temperature for monitoring your plants

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HiGrow is a Soil Moisture, Temperature, Humidity sensor. HiGrow communicates with a cloud application for uploading data and the user can check his plants and sensor with an app.It uses ESP32 to powered by lipo battery, a Soil Moisture sensor and a DHT11 Temp and Humidity sensor.HiGrow hardware is almost opensource. We'll publish very soon the instruction to assemble your HiGrow and 3D print the case on http://www.higrow.techYou can find the ongoing firmware udpates, based on Arduino IDE, on GitHub: the ones interested in developing apps working with ESP32 we are also doing a porting of ESP TOUCH Smart Config to Xamarin. So you can integrate the libraries in your cross platform pr

#Installation steps

Firmware is based on Mongoose OS platform once you have installed Mongoose OS the HiGrow firmware project is available from the Library


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  • 1
    Flash the firmware

    We moved the project to Mongoose OS which has a more stable and flexible library for Bluetooth. 

    From Mongoose is really easy to flash your board:

    1. Install Mongoose OS following the instructions here
    2. Connect your device via USB and turn it On (some light should blink :)
    3. Clone the project form library to your dashboard
    4. Build the project and then flash it on the board
  • 2
    Install the app

    app are almost ready, keep you posted

View all instructions

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