
8 legged spider robot

This robot uses only 4 linear micro servo’s, an arduino nano, a bluetooth transeiver two lipo battery's in order for it to work.

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The goal of this robot was to keep it as simple as possible but remain the most important movements. This robot uses 4 micro servo's salvaged from old and broken indoor rc-planes and helicopters. these servo's are controlled by an arduino nano and powered by two 1 cell 200mAh lipo battery's. To control the movement of the robot I use a Bluetooth transeiver connected with an android device. This allows me to make the robot go forwards, backwards, turn left and turn right. In the download link you can find a video and some pictures so you can see how it works.

This spider like robot uses only 4 micro servo's salvaged from old and broken indoor rc-planes and helicopters. these servo's are controlled by an arduino nano and powered by two 1 cell 200mAh lipo battery's. So I eventually made a 2 cell lipo instead of my original idee of using a single cell lipo battery. So now I have 2 voltages: 7.4 volts wich goes to the Vin pin on the arduino nano and 3.7 Volts wich goes directly to the servo's and the bluetooth module. To control the movements of the robot I use a Geekcreit HC-06 Wireless Bluetooth Transceiver connected to an android device. All parts are designed by me and printed with my 3D-printer in PLA plastic. I have uploaded all the part files in the files section on this page and also on thingiverse. And I also added a complete version of the robot in the download link so you can see how it works.

STL and Fusion 360 source files can be found here :


spider bot.stl

This is an stl from the complete robot so can see how it looks and works.

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 7.42 MB - 07/21/2017 at 21:15


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  • 1
    Step 1

    3D print all the components :

    2 x hinge high left

    2x hinge high right

    12 x hinge

    2 x left aft leg

    2 x left front leg

    2 x left midle aft leg

    2 x left midle front leg

    4 x long hinge

    2 x movable plate holder 1

    2 x movable plate holder 2

    2 x movable plate holder 3

    2 x movable plate left right

    4 x movement hinge

    8 x outer hinge

    2 x pushrod

    1 x servo base

    8 x slider 

    4 x small hinge

    all the files can be found in the download link

  • 2
    Step 2

    I recomend you drill al the holes with a 1 mm drill to get the best result.

  • 3
    Step 3

    You can use the complete spider bot 3D model as a guide to how to assemble the robot.

View all 5 instructions

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Marcus wrote 08/16/2017 at 06:28 point

Nice project. That orange cable makes it look more like a scorpion, though.

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Brian Brocken wrote 10/04/2017 at 11:42 point

thank you very much. And yes indeed it kinda looks like a scorpion hahahaha.

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