After A Long Break
07/14/2018 at 08:53 • 0 commentsGetting Back Up To Speed
It appears as though the code is waiting to be testing. It has been a long time so I need to review what I have written.
Serial Initialisation
The initialisation of the serial interface is always tricky with the Arduino, here is my code:
// Indicate ready Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial); Serial.println("Motion Control V1.0"); Serial.flush();
The first line is pretty standard and for this application I don't want to go any faster than 9600 baud. The motion controller is pretty processor intensive so not a great idea to sent data too quickly.
The second line is almost essential on Linux PCs (no so much on Windows PCs). Without this line the first serial print is often (i.e. always) garbled. Basically the code has to wait until the Serial system is ready. On Windows PCs a 200 ms wait seems to work better.
The function of flush() as changed over time but at the moment it just waits until the output has been sent. It has no function on the input. In the past I would calculate the required delay for the text length to ensure that the serial has been sent before continuing. Why wait? If you send too much data and overflow the buffer then data will be lost.
For "gCodeSender" the ready message needs to be modifed to something like:
Serial.println("Grbl v0.1a");
Flow Control
In "Not GRBL" I used software handshakes (i.e. XON/XOFF) as I could only process one command at a time. With a ring buffer I should be able to use the "ok" protocol.
The variable "okay" is incremented upon completion of the motion (in the motion control ISR):
... steps--; if (steps==0) okay++; ...
and decremented each time it is printed to the serial port (in the main loop):
void loop() { // Flow control if (okay>0) { Serial.println("ok"); cli();okay--;sei(); } }
Serial Event
I am using serialEvent() to decode the gCode and save the "primative" comands to the ring buffer. It is fairly complicated:
- Clean up the command string
- Decode the motion commands
- Push motion commands onto stack (not checked if the stack is full)
- Decode immediate commands
void serialEvent() { // Rember between calls static long xNext=0; static long yNext=0; static long zNext=0; static long fNext=Feed; // Reset upon each call long mNext=-1; bool set=false; long fQuery; long xQuery; long yQuery; long zQuery; long nQuery; char inData[63]; int bRead; // Get command string bRead=Serial.readBytesUntil('\n',inData,63); if (bRead>1) { bRead--; inData[bRead]='\0'; // End of string // Clean up command string for (int i=0;i<bRead;i++) { // To upper case if ((inData[i]>='a')&&(inData[i]<='z')) inData[i]-=32; if ((inData[i]>='0')&&(inData[i]<='9')) { // Integer numbers } else if (inData[i]=='-') { // Sign } else if (inData[i]=='.') { // Decimal } else if (inData[i]=='?') { // Ready } else if (inData[i]=='X') { // X axis movement } else if (inData[i]=='Y') { // Y axis movement } else if (inData[i]=='Z') { // Z axis movement } else if (inData[i]=='F') { // Feed rate } else if (inData[i]=='M') { // M Code } else if (inData[i]=='$') { // Status } else if (inData[i]=='!') { // Pause } else if (inData[i]=='~') { // Resume } else if (inData[i]=='@') { // Set current position as origin } else { // Clear character inData[i]=' '; } } // Decode motion commands for (int i=0;i<bRead;i++) { if (inData[i]=='X') { xNext=(long)(atof(inData+i+1)*xStepsPerMM); set=true; } else if (inData[i]=='Y') { yNext=(long)(atof(inData+i+1)*yStepsPerMM); set=true; } else if (inData[i]=='Z') { zNext=(long)(atof(inData+i+1)*zStepsPerMM); set=true; } else if (inData[i]=='F') { fNext=atol(inData+i+1); if (fNext<1) fNext=1; if (fNext>4095) fNext=4095; set=true; } else if (inData[i]=='M') { mNext=atol(inData+i+1); set=true; } } // Push motion commands onto stack (no check if full) if (set) { // Push must not be interrupted cli(); // Psuedo M-Codes if ((mNext==2)||(mNext==30)) { // Go Home (predefined) if (Spindle<8) PORTD&=~(1<<Spindle); else if (Spindle<14) PORTB&=~(1<<Spindle-8); xNew[head]=xCurrent; yNew[head]=yCurrent; zNew[head]=zHome*zStepsPerMM; mCode[head]=mNext; feed[head]=Feed; if (++head>=stackSize) head=head-stackSize; xNext=xHome*xStepsPerMM; yNext=yHome*yStepsPerMM; zNext=zCurrent; mNext=mNext; fNext=Feed; } xNew[head]=xNext; yNew[head]=yNext; zNew[head]=zNext; feed[head]=fNext; mCode[head]=mNext; if (++head>=stackSize) head=head-stackSize; sei(); } // Decode immediate commands for (int i=0;i<bRead;i++) { if (inData[i]=='?') { // Return queue length (used for flow control) Serial.flush(); queue=head-tail; if (queue<0) queue=queue+stackSize; Serial.println(queue); } else if (inData[i]=='$') { // Return motion control status if ((steps==0)||(paused)) { cli(); nQuery=steps; xQuery=xCurrent; yQuery=yCurrent; zQuery=zCurrent; fQuery=fCurrent; sei(); Serial.flush(); if (paused) { Serial.println("$Paused"); } else { if (steps>0) { Serial.println("$Running"); } else { Serial.println("$Stopped"); } } Serial.print("$Queue ");Serial.println(queue); Serial.print("$Steps ");Serial.println(nQuery); Serial.print("$Feed ");Serial.println(fQuery); Serial.flush(); Serial.print("$X ");Serial.println(xQuery); Serial.print("$Y ");Serial.println(yQuery); Serial.print("$Z ");Serial.println(zQuery); } } else if (inData[i]=='!') { // Pause motion paused=true; } else if (inData[i]=='~') { // Resume motion paused=false; } else if (inData[i]=='@') { // Reset as axes origin if ((steps==0)||(paused)) { cli(); xCurrent=0; yCurrent=0; zCurrent=0; head=0; tail=0; xNew[0]=0; yNew[0]=0; zNew[0]=0; feed[0]=Feed; mCode[0]=-1; steps=0; sei(); } } } } }
Okay I worked It Out
I worked out where I was up to. I have not worked out how to "stack" the commands. I left the code with a simple one instruction at a time, issue and "ok" when done. So I need to add "stack" control code but otherwise it is ready for testing.
So it looks like a review of the serialEvent() subroutine, testing and add stack control code.
Adding a Motion Command Queue
01/14/2018 at 05:43 • 0 commentsAdding a Motion Command Queue
A motion command queue is a very useful addition for motion contol. It allows new motion commands to decoded and queued while a previous motion command is being executed. This minimises delays between motion commands. This is really important for clean laser burns.
A queue is just a buffer with two pointers "head" and "tail". The head points to the next available buffer position and tail points to the next motion command to be executed. If the head pointer equals the tail pointer then the queue is empty. The queue "wraps" around when it get to the end of the buffer.
Here is a "push" example:
// Queue length queue=head-tail; if (queue<0) queue=queue+QueueSize; if (queue<QueueSize-1) { // Push motion command cli(); xNew[head]=iSin[cosAngle]; yNew[head]=iSin[sinAngle]; zNew[head]=0; . . . if (++head>=QueueSize) head=head-QueueSize; sei(); }
What does it do:
- Checks the queue has room for a new command.
- Disables interrupts (no interupts while updating volatile variables!).
- Sets the values to the head of the queue.
- Updates the head pointer and check if it has to be rolled over.
Here is a "pop" example (inside the ISR)
if (head!=tail) { // Determine next motion dx=xNew[tail]-xCurrent; dy=yNew[tail]-yCurrent; dz=zNew[tail]-zCurrent; . . . // Pop queue if (++tail>=QueueSize) tail=tail-QueueSize; }
What does it do:
- Checks that the queue is not empty.
- Gets the values from the tail of the queue.
- Updates the tail pointer and checks if it has to be rolled over.
Motion Flow Control
By quering the queue length, the flow of motion commands can be managed.
"GCodeSender" does this by expecting an "ok" from the last sent command before sending the next command.
The motion controller code checks if it has room on the queue before returning an "ok" to the last motion command. It is best to keep a couple of queue slots free for compound commands like M30 (e.g. "End of program"). As M30 could be interpreted as:
- Turn off laser or lift head to safe height.
- Go to Home position.
Here is the update motion controller code:
/* Simple 3 Axis ISR Motion Controller - Part 3: Add a queue ========================================================= Written by Alan Cooper (agp.cooper@gmail.com) This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial 2.5 License. This means you are free to copy and share the code (but not to sell it). Motion is in absolute steps Feed rate range is 1 to 4095 steps per second */ // Motor controller (CNC board) pin mapping: #define DirX 2 #define DirY 3 #define DirZ 4 #define StepX 5 #define StepY 6 #define StepZ 7 #define Enable 8 // Enable stepper motors (active low) #define Laser 12 // Turn laser on or off // Motion controller defaults #define Feed 1000 // Default feed rate #define QueueSize 16 // Queue size #define xReverse false // Reverse X axis direction #define yReverse true // Reverse Y axis direction #define zReverse false // Reverse Z axis direction // Motion controller queue and ISR variables volatile int head=0; // Queue pointer (head) volatile int tail=0; // Queue pointer (tail) volatile int queue=0; // Queue length volatile long xNew[QueueSize]; // The target X co-ordinate volatile long yNew[QueueSize]; // The target Y co-ordinate volatile long zNew[QueueSize]; // The target Z co-ordinate volatile long feed[QueueSize]; // Set motion feed rate volatile long laser[QueueSize]; // Laser (on/off) volatile long xCurrent=0; // The current X co-ordinate volatile long yCurrent=0; // The current Y co-ordinate volatile long zCurrent=0; // The current Z co-ordinate volatile long steps=0; // Number of steps remaining in motion ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) { static long dx,dy,dz; static long ax,ay,az; static long sx,sy,sz; static long mx,my,mz; static long stepX,stepY,stepZ; static unsigned int phase=0; static unsigned int magic=8000; if (phase<0x8000) { phase+=magic; if (phase>=0x8000) { if (steps==0) { if (head!=tail) { // Determine next movement parameters (35us) dx=xNew[tail]-xCurrent; dy=yNew[tail]-yCurrent; dz=zNew[tail]-zCurrent; ax=abs(dx); ay=abs(dy); az=abs(dz); sx=xNew[tail]<xCurrent?-1:xNew[tail]>xCurrent?1:0; sy=yNew[tail]<yCurrent?-1:yNew[tail]>yCurrent?1:0; sz=zNew[tail]<zCurrent?-1:zNew[tail]>zCurrent?1:0; if ((ax>=ay)&&(ax>=az)) { mx=0; my=ay-(ax>>1); mz=az-(ax>>1); steps=ax; } else if ((ay>=ax)&&(ay>=az)) { mx=ax-(ay>>1); my=0; mz=az-(ay>>1); steps=ay; } else { mx=ax-(az>>1); my=ay-(az>>1); mz=0; steps=az; } // Set the stepper directions if (xReverse) { if (sx==1) PORTD&=~(1<<DirX); else PORTD|=1<<DirX; } else { if (sx==-1) PORTD&=~(1<<DirX); else PORTD|=1<<DirX; } if (yReverse) { if (sy==1) PORTD&=~(1<<DirY); else PORTD|=1<<DirY; } else { if (sy==-1) PORTD&=~(1<<DirY); else PORTD|=1<<DirY; } if (zReverse) { if (sz==1) PORTD&=~(1<<DirZ); else PORTD|=1<<DirZ; } else { if (sz==-1) PORTD&=~(1<<DirZ); else PORTD|=1<<DirZ; } // Set laser if (laser[tail]>0) { if (Laser<8) PORTD|=1<<Laser; else if (Laser<14) PORTB|=1<<Laser-8; } else { if (Laser<8) PORTD&=~(1<<Laser); else if (Laser<14) PORTB&=~(1<<Laser-8); } // Set feed magic=feed[tail]<<3; // Pop queue if (++tail>=QueueSize) tail=tail-QueueSize; } } // Reset step low PORTD&=~(1<<StepX); PORTD&=~(1<<StepY); PORTD&=~(1<<StepZ); } } else { phase+=magic; if (phase<0x8000) { if (steps>0) { // Advance steppers (25us) stepX=0; stepY=0; stepZ=0; if ((ax>=ay)&&(ax>=az)) { if (my>=0) { my-=ax; stepY=sy; } if (mz>=0) { mz-=ax; stepZ=sz; } my+=ay; mz+=az; stepX=sx; } else if ((ay>=ax)&&(ay>=az)) { if (mx>=0) { mx-=ay; stepX=sx; } if (mz>=0) { mz-=ay; stepZ=sz; } mx+=ax; mz+=az; stepY=sy; } else { if (mx>=0) { mx-=az; stepX=sx; } if (my>=0) { my-=az; stepY=sy; } mx+=ax; my+=ay; stepZ=sz; } xCurrent+=stepX; yCurrent+=stepY; zCurrent+=stepZ; // Step HIGH if (stepX!=0) PORTD|=1<<StepX; if (stepY!=0) PORTD|=1<<StepY; if (stepZ!=0) PORTD|=1<<StepZ; steps--; } } } } int iSin[360]; void setup() { // LED pinMode(LED_BUILTIN,OUTPUT); // Initialise Motor Controller Hardware pinMode(DirX,OUTPUT); pinMode(StepX,OUTPUT); pinMode(DirY,OUTPUT); pinMode(StepY,OUTPUT); pinMode(DirZ,OUTPUT); pinMode(StepZ,OUTPUT); pinMode(Enable,OUTPUT); pinMode(Laser,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(DirX,LOW); digitalWrite(StepX,LOW); digitalWrite(DirY,LOW); digitalWrite(StepY,LOW); digitalWrite(DirZ,LOW); digitalWrite(StepZ,LOW); digitalWrite(Enable,LOW); // Active low digitalWrite(Laser,LOW); // Active high // Use Timer 2 for ISR // Good for ATmega48A/PA/88A/PA/168A/PA/328/P cli(); TIMSK2=0; // Clear timer interrupts TCCR2A=(0<<COM2A0)|(0<<COM2B0)|(3<<WGM20); // Fast PWM TCCR2B=(1<<WGM22)|(2<<CS20); // 2 MHz clock and Mode 7 OCR2A=243; // Set for 8197 Hz OCR2B=121; // Not used TIMSK2=(1<<TOIE2)|(0<<OCIE2A)|(0<<OCIE2B); // Set interrupts (on Top Overflow) sei(); // Prepare circle array for (int i=0;i<360;i++) { iSin[i]=(int)(200*sin(radians(i))); } } void loop() { /* Motion Command */ // Used to keep track of motion static int sinAngle=-1; static int cosAngle=0; // Queue length queue=head-tail; if (queue<0) queue=queue+QueueSize; if (queue<QueueSize-1) { if (sinAngle==-1) { sinAngle=0; cosAngle=90; cli(); xNew[head]=(long)iSin[cosAngle]; yNew[head]=(long)iSin[sinAngle]; zNew[head]=0; feed[head]=1000; laser[head]=0; // Laser off if (++head>=QueueSize) head=head-QueueSize; sei(); } else if (sinAngle==-2) { cli(); xNew[head]=0; yNew[head]=0; zNew[head]=0; feed[head]=1000; laser[head]=0; // Laser off if (++head>=QueueSize) head=head-QueueSize; sei(); } else { sinAngle+=1; cosAngle+=1; if (sinAngle>=360) sinAngle-=360; if (cosAngle>=360) cosAngle-=360; cli(); xNew[head]=(long)iSin[cosAngle]; yNew[head]=(long)iSin[sinAngle]; zNew[head]=0; feed[head]=1000; laser[head]=1; // Laser on if (++head>=QueueSize) head=head-QueueSize; sei(); if (sinAngle==0) sinAngle=-2; } } }
Adding 3D Line to the ISR
01/14/2018 at 05:06 • 0 commentsAdding 3D Line to the ISR
Okay, it get complicated quickly but this is really only the beginning!
/* Simple 3 Axis ISR Motion Controller - Part 2: Add Motion Control ================================================================ Written by Alan Cooper (agp.cooper@gmail.com) This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 2.5 License. This means you are free to copy and share the code (but not to sell it). Motion is in absolute steps Feed rate range is 1 to 4095 steps per second */ // Motor controller (CNC board) pin mapping: #define DirX 2 #define DirY 3 #define DirZ 4 #define StepX 5 #define StepY 6 #define StepZ 7 #define Enable 8 // Enable stepper motors (active low) #define Laser 12 // Turn laser on or off // Motion controller defaults #define Feed 1000 // Default feed rate #define xReverse false // Reverse X axis direction #define yReverse true // Reverse Y axis direction #define zReverse false // Reverse Z axis direction // Motion controller and ISR variables volatile int xNew; // The target X co-ordinate volatile int yNew; // The target Y co-ordinate volatile int zNew; // The target Z co-ordinate volatile int feed; // Set motion feed rate volatile int laser; // Laser (on/off) volatile int xCurrent=0; // The current X co-ordinate volatile int yCurrent=0; // The current Y co-ordinate volatile int zCurrent=0; // The current Z co-ordinate volatile int steps=-1; // Number of steps remaining in motion ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) { static int dx,dy,dz; static int ax,ay,az; static int sx,sy,sz; static int mx,my,mz; static int stepX,stepY,stepZ; static unsigned int phase=0; static unsigned int magic=8000; if (phase<0x8000) { phase+=magic; if (phase>=0x8000) { if (steps==0) { // Determine next movement parameters dx=xNew-xCurrent; dy=yNew-yCurrent; dz=zNew-zCurrent; ax=abs(dx); ay=abs(dy); az=abs(dz); sx=xNew<xCurrent?-1:xNew>xCurrent?1:0; sy=yNew<yCurrent?-1:yNew>yCurrent?1:0; sz=zNew<zCurrent?-1:zNew>zCurrent?1:0; if ((ax>=ay)&&(ax>=az)) { mx=0; my=ay-(ax>>1); mz=az-(ax>>1); steps=ax; } else if ((ay>=ax)&&(ay>=az)) { mx=ax-(ay>>1); my=0; mz=az-(ay>>1); steps=ay; } else { mx=ax-(az>>1); my=ay-(az>>1); mz=0; steps=az; } // Set the stepper directions if (xReverse) { digitalWrite(DirX,(1-sx)>>1); } else { digitalWrite(DirX,(sx+1)>>1); } if (yReverse) { digitalWrite(DirY,(1-sy)>>1); } else { digitalWrite(DirY,(sy+1)>>1); } if (zReverse) { digitalWrite(DirZ,(1-sz)>>1); } else { digitalWrite(DirZ,(sz+1)>>1); } // Set laser if (laser>0) { digitalWrite(Laser,HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(Laser,LOW); } // Set feed magic=feed<<3; } // Reset step low digitalWrite(StepX,LOW); digitalWrite(StepY,LOW); digitalWrite(StepZ,LOW); } } else { phase+=magic; if (phase<0x8000) { if (steps>0) { // Advance steppers (25us) stepX=0; stepY=0; stepZ=0; if ((ax>=ay)&&(ax>=az)) { if (my>=0) { my-=ax; stepY=sy; } if (mz>=0) { mz-=ax; stepZ=sz; } my+=ay; mz+=az; stepX=sx; } else if ((ay>=ax)&&(ay>=az)) { if (mx>=0) { mx-=ay; stepX=sx; } if (mz>=0) { mz-=ay; stepZ=sz; } mx+=ax; mz+=az; stepY=sy; } else { if (mx>=0) { mx-=az; stepX=sx; } if (my>=0) { my-=az; stepY=sy; } mx+=ax; my+=ay; stepZ=sz; } xCurrent+=stepX; yCurrent+=stepY; zCurrent+=stepZ; // Step HIGH if (stepX!=0) digitalWrite(StepX,HIGH); if (stepY!=0) digitalWrite(StepY,HIGH); if (stepZ!=0) digitalWrite(StepZ,HIGH); steps--; // Set steps to indicate new motion not set if (steps==0) steps=-1; } } } } int iSin[360]; void setup() { // LED pinMode(LED_BUILTIN,OUTPUT); // Initialise Motor Controller Hardware pinMode(DirX,OUTPUT); pinMode(StepX,OUTPUT); pinMode(DirY,OUTPUT); pinMode(StepY,OUTPUT); pinMode(DirZ,OUTPUT); pinMode(StepZ,OUTPUT); pinMode(Enable,OUTPUT); pinMode(Laser,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(DirX,LOW); digitalWrite(StepX,LOW); digitalWrite(DirY,LOW); digitalWrite(StepY,LOW); digitalWrite(DirZ,LOW); digitalWrite(StepZ,LOW); digitalWrite(Enable,LOW); // Active low digitalWrite(Laser,LOW); // Active high // Use Timer 2 for ISR // Good for ATmega48A/PA/88A/PA/168A/PA/328/P cli(); TIMSK2=0; // Clear timer interrupts TCCR2A=(0<<COM2A0)|(0<<COM2B0)|(3<<WGM20); // Fast PWM TCCR2B=(1<<WGM22)|(2<<CS20); // 2 MHz clock and Mode 7 OCR2A=243; // Set for 8197 Hz OCR2B=121; // Not used TIMSK2=(1<<TOIE2)|(0<<OCIE2A)|(0<<OCIE2B); // Set interrupts (on Top Overflow) sei(); // Prepare circle array for (int i=0;i<360;i++) { iSin[i]=(int)(200*sin(radians(i))); } // Give some time for mechanical set up delay(5000); } void loop() { /* Motion Command */ // Used to keep track of motion static int sinAngle=-1; static int cosAngle=0; // if last motion complete if (steps==-1) { if (sinAngle==-1) { sinAngle=0; cosAngle=90; cli(); xNew=iSin[cosAngle]; yNew=iSin[sinAngle]; zNew=0; feed=1000; laser=0; // Laser off sei(); } else if (sinAngle==-2) { cli(); xNew=0; yNew=0; zNew=0; feed=1000; laser=0; // Laser off sei(); } else { sinAngle+=1; cosAngle+=1; if (sinAngle>=360) sinAngle-=360; if (cosAngle>=360) cosAngle-=360; cli(); xNew=iSin[cosAngle]; yNew=iSin[sinAngle]; zNew=0; feed=1000; laser=1; // Laser on sei(); if (sinAngle==0) sinAngle=-2; } // Set steps to indicate a new motion has been set steps=0; } }
This code is a variation of the Turret Scanner but simplified a little. I have also used another variation on my Laser CNC machine (with the pin mappings adjusted for the Laser board) testing different feed rates:
As you can see it works okay.
Note the gap at the top of the circle for the faster feed rates (lighter burns). They are not due to a code error. It is just that lasers need time to start a burn but less time to maintain a burn.
Bressenham's Line Algorithm
01/14/2018 at 03:32 • 0 commentsBressenham's Line Algorithm
Best to have a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm for details of Bressenham's line algorithm. My version is just an optimised version of that code.
Testing the Code
Here is some test code for my version of Bressenham's line algorithm:
/* 3D Bresenham's algorithm ======================== Written by Alan Cooper (agp.cooper@gmail.com) This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 2.5 License. This means you are free to copy and share the code (but not to sell it). Original Bressenham algorithm source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm */ // Include libraries #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "/usr/include/graphics.h" // Other Linker Options: -lXbgi -lX11 -lm void line3d(int xOld,int yOld,int zOld,int xNew,int yNew,int zNew) { int i,n; int dx,dy,dz; int ax,ay,az; int sx,sy,sz; int mx,my,mz; int xStep,yStep,zStep; dx=xNew-xOld; dy=yNew-yOld; dz=zNew-zOld; ax=abs(dx); ay=abs(dy); az=abs(dz); // Sign function sx=dx<0?-1:dx>0?1:0; sy=dy<0?-1:dy>0?1:0; sz=dz<0?-1:dz>0?1:0; if ((ax>=ay)&&(ax>=az)) { mx=0; my=ay-(ax>>1); mz=az-(ax>>1); n=ax; } else if ((ay>=ax)&&(ay>=az)) { mx=ax-(ay>>1); my=0; mz=az-(ay>>1); n=ay; } else { mx=ax-(az>>1); my=ay-(az>>1); mz=0; n=az; } for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { xStep=0; yStep=0; zStep=0; if ((ax>=ay)&&(ax>=az)) { if (my>=0) { my-=ax; yStep=sy; } if (mz>=0) { mz-=ax; zStep=sz; } my+=ay; mz+=az; xStep=sx; } else if ((ay>=ax)&&(ay>=az)) { if (mx>=0) { mx-=ay; xStep=sx; } if (mz>=0) { mz-=ay; zStep=sz; } mx+=ax; mz+=az; yStep=sy; } else { if (mx>=0) { mx-=az; xStep=sx; } if (my>=0) { my-=az; yStep=sy; } mx+=ax; my+=ay; zStep=sz; } putpixel(xOld,yOld,BLACK); xOld+=xStep; yOld+=yStep; zOld+=zStep; putpixel(xOld,yOld,BLACK); } } int main(void) { // Display results initwindow(900,700); setbkcolor(WHITE); cleardevice(); setcolor(BLACK); setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE,EMPTY_FILL,NORM_WIDTH); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,WHITE); // Units are pixels setcolor(RED); line(200,700-100,600,700-100); line(600,700-100,600,700-500); line(600,700-500,200,700-500); line(200,700-500,200,700-100); setcolor(BLACK); // Overlay my version on line line3d(200,700-100,0,600,700-100,0); line3d(600,700-100,0,600,700-500,0); line3d(600,700-500,0,200,700-500,0); line3d(200,700-500,0,200,700-100,0); printf("Done - Enter to exit"); getchar(); closegraph(); return(0); }
The program first draws a box in RED using the Xbgi line() routine and then over-draws with my Line3d() routine in BLACK. If no RED shows then tat means it works. I have actually done a lot more testing than this!
To compile the code (under linux) you need to install the Xbgi library and add to your "Other Linker Options":
-lXbgi -lX11 -lm
The BGI graphics library is also available for Windows (but it is not 100% compatible) but I leave you to find and install it.
I have added "xbgi-quickref.pdf" to my files area.
The Interrupt Service Routine
01/14/2018 at 02:49 • 0 commentsThe Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
The core of motion control is the frequency generator ISR. Here is an ISR "Blink" sketch:
/* Simple 3 Axis ISR Motion Controller - Part 1: The ISR Frequency Generator ========================================================================= Written by Alan Cooper (agp.cooper@gmail.com) This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 2.4 License. This means you are free to copy and share the code (but not to sell it). */ volatile unsigned int magic=0; ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) { static unsigned int phase=0; if (phase<0x8000) { phase+=magic; if (phase>=0x8000) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,LOW); // LED on } } else { phase+=magic; if (phase<0x8000) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,HIGH); // LED off } } } void setup() { // LED pinMode(LED_BUILTIN,OUTPUT); // Use Timer 2 for ISR // Good for ATmega48A/PA/88A/PA/168A/PA/328/P cli(); TIMSK2=0; // Clear timer interrupts TCCR2A=(0<<COM2A0)|(0<<COM2B0)|(3<<WGM20); // Fast PWM TCCR2B=(1<<WGM22)|(2<<CS20); // 2 MHz clock and (Mode 7) OCR2A=243; // Set for 8197 Hz OCR2B=121; // Not used TIMSK2=(1<<TOIE2)|(0<<OCIE2A)|(0<<OCIE2B); // Set interrupts sei(); // Update frequency without interrupt unsigned int freq=1; // Note freq should be between 1 and 4095 cli(); magic=(freq<<3); sei(); } void loop() { }
The code is based on my Midi project (https://hackaday.io/project/27429-simple-concurrent-tones-for-the-arduino).
The heart of the frequency generator are two 16 bit unsigned integers "magic" and "phase". Now, magic is added to phase approximately 8192 times a second. If magic equal 8, then phase will overflow and reset every second (i.e. 65536=8x8192). I can not set the ISR for exactly 8192 Hz but 8197 Hz is close enough. The ISR sets the LED on as it passes 0x7FFF and reset the LED as it passes 0xFFFF. The formula for magic is "=freq*8", and the range for freq is 1 to 4095 Hz.
If you upload the sketch to an UNO or a Nano the LED will flash at 1 Hz, assuming "freq=1".