Quantity | Component name | |
1 | × | Adafruit Trinket Pro |
1 | × | MQ135 Air quality sensor |
1 | × | DHT11 humidity/temperature sensor |
3 | × | WS2812b RGB LED |
1 | × | Logic level Fet, eg. BSS138 |
4 | × | Capacitor 100nF |
3 | × | Resistor 100k |
2 | × | Resistor 10k |
1 | × | Resistor 270 Ohm (anything between 150 Ohm and 300 Ohm should work) |
1 | × | Pushbutton |
1 | × | Female pin headers for connection to trinket (not needed for breadboard build) |
1 | × | Male pin headers for i2c, serial and buzzer connection |
1 | × | PCB, Breadboard or perfboard |