This is a very basic synthesizer based on the Schmitt trigger oscillators in the CD40106. Each of the three is playable with a CdS photocell on the top of the enclosure.
Logic ICs / Gates and Inverters
CdS photocells
Light-dependent resistors
100kΩ resistors
These are for mixing the oscillator outputs together
As you can see from the gallery and the YouTube video, this is finished and working. I edited the components list to show the capacitor values I decided on.
Inputs are LDRs, so they must be accessible to the user.
Enclosure is metal. Must not short things together.
Oh yeah, I have some tiny heart-shaped foam stickers. I'll poke the LDR legs through them and stick them to the top of the box.
I can use wire insulation as leg warmers on the LDRs, since I'm running out of really skinny heat-shrink tubing.
LDR legs must be lengthened so that the user can replace the battery without destroying the circuit.
Okay, cool. If I wire-wrap the legs once I stick them through the lid, they'll have nice, flexible extensions to the board. Plus, I get to wire-wrap.
Find the most appealing capacitor values.
Sure, this is an extremely lo-fi synth. But it might as well be as appealing to play as possible. I have three sizes of LDRs, so it's worth experimenting with capacitors to find pleasing frequency ranges.
I've been searching a while for this link: - I wonder if it is possible to make a (polyphonic) melody combining this with your box.