This is the dust shroud / dust chute replacement part for a Delta 3802L Type 1 (might also fit many of the Porter Cable models). This is the piece the guides saw dust and chips up into dust collection hose. I wasn't able to find a replacement part or they had all been marked as DISCONTINUED, so decided to make my own.
My OEM part shattered about a year ago and have been doing without so just took good measurements and created a totally new version based on some paper models. This may not really look like the original, but I think does a better job.
Will allow full movement of the saw without interference. I am amazed that it only took two iterations to design something that didn't interfere with the movement of the saw in any way.
The current version as posted on Thingiverse (see project links) and has been functioning for nearly a year with no signs of wear. I would reprint this in PETG as the surface is smoother and certainly would be more robust, but the PLA is still working strong so I have little reason to change.
STEP and STL files posted.