

Malti is a low cost open source handheld Linux platform that makes experimenting with and learning about electronics easier

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Malti is a portable Linux computer. The goal is to make learning electronics easier and more accessible. We're doing this by combining the flexibility of a single board computer with the power of iPython.
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Our humble planet has a mountain of problems. The solutions to which are difficult to contemplate let alone derive. Malti isn't in the business of moving mountains. The business of Malti is to move minds. There is no piece technology that can fix everything but I truly believe that with everyone working together with the right tools that we can. In more concrete terms our goal is to improve global access to quality education because no matter what the problems of today are the human race will hinge on the problems of tomorrow being solved by the children of today. To do this we need to bring hackers, educators and students closer together.

I know that this is a lot of ambition for such a tiny device that started with the goal of creating the ultimate calculator.

Malti consists of a single board computer with an integrated touch screen and keyboard. The power consumption is less than 1/10th that of a typical laptop. However, Malti provides GPIOs that allow the user to directly interface with electronics. On the software side, Malti uses an optimized version of iPython that not only brings a robust array of math functions, but also facilitates sharing. By using iPython educators are able to employ digital lesson plans that explain subjects in a clear manner with supporting images right alongside editable code that runs in real time. For more advanced users Malti is being developed completely in open source software, and is based on open source modular schematics. This means that you can use Malti for prototyping and experimentation, and then build final products using only the parts of the Malti platform that you need.

Update (16 Aug):

The current prototype is is running on the Raspberry PI A+. The finished board will feature the keyboard, charging circuitry and lcd controller.

Current Components Are:

Adafruit's Powerboost 500c and 3.5" Pi tft

TI's TCA8418

TI's TSP61090


59x Tactile switches

2,200 mAH Lipoly

Design files are available on Github gpl v2

The overall design criteria is to get the total thickness including a 3d printed enclosure under 18mm.

Now that we have our beta prototypes are shipped the focus has shifted to finishing production ready prototypes.

  • 1 × TCA8418 Evaluation, Demonstration Kits, Boards and Modules / Evaluation Kits, Boards and Modules
  • 1 × TPS61090 Evaluation, Demonstration Kits, Boards and Modules / Evaluation Kits, Boards and Modules
  • 1 × MCP73831 Power Management ICs / Power Supply Support
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi A+
  • 1 × Adafruit PiTFT

View all 23 components

  • The Github Repo is Up

    Jayda Van08/17/2015 at 04:39 0 comments

    I'm finally finished cleaning up the code code that runs iPython Notebook. It's called Malti-View. It's a super simple minimalist qt browser that runs outside of X. I'm also, excited to announce that hardware repo. All of the design work is done in Kicad I'm going to try something a little bit different. Hopefully I can open up the hardware development process a little. I'll post the details as I go.

  • Malti Interface Demo

    Jayda Van08/16/2015 at 21:45 0 comments

  • Prototypes Shipped

    Jayda Van08/16/2015 at 07:26 4 comments

    Well guys we did it. Our prototypes are on their way to Pasadena. Here's a breakdown of what we've done so far. Despite delays with our revised board design our software has been moving along quiet well. Malti's interface is built on top of iPython Notebook. To get it working with the Raspberry Pi we've implemented a miniature web browser using Qt Webkit that runs at start-up. Because Qt Needs OpenGL to run Webkit and we're running our display over the SPI interface we had to trick the Pi into running OpenGL buy using frame buffer copy. Right now I'm diligently working to get all of the code cleaned up and on Github.

    Until then we've added a video of our prototype. We've had this for a while but haven't had a chance to edit it.


  • What a Night!

    Rita Timm08/14/2015 at 22:28 0 comments

    Jeremy and I just pulled an all-nighter getting last-minute details ready for Malti to ship for Best Product. I was babysitting a bunch of 3D printed cases (and of course a couple of 3D printed catastrophies), and Jeremy was tweaking the software. He’s been hard at work on getting Malti ready in time for Best Product, but we found last night that we need a lot more activity on our page! We were so concerned with actually making the best product that our attention was diverted from updating the page.

    Get ready to be bombarded, hackers! We will be making posts like crazy for the next few days. You’ll see at least a couple videos and quite a few posts. Maybe we’ll even post a picture or two of our crazy, last-minute selves! Thank you all so much for your patience with us updating the page. We know this is an exciting project, and we really appreciate all the support we’ve gotten over these past months.

  • Pictures!

    Jayda Van05/13/2015 at 20:55 0 comments

    We're still working on a demo video but here's some pictures of our prototype. What's next:

    On the hardware side I'm modifying the battery charging circuitry to have proper load balancing. I'm also implementing a soft shutdown for when the charge is low.

    Rita is hard at work writing an application launcher in Python.

  • Chicago Northside Mini Maker Faire Recap

    Rita Timm05/05/2015 at 07:07 1 comment

    From the Desk of Rita:

    Jeremy and I would like to extend a big THANK YOU to everyone who came to our table at the Chicago Northside Mini Maker Faire this Saturday! We had a great time, and we're thrilled by the positive response Malti received.

    While we were there, we asked what all of you wonderful makers would do with Malti if you had one. Quite a few teachers said they would love having a tool like Malti to use in their classrooms. Another suggested starting a coding club for avid young programmers. One maker thought using Malti to make a tricorder from Star Trek would be pretty neat. We got an overall fantastic response from our young audience. Several aspiring makers said they wanted to make a "homework machine" out of Malti, and one particularly ambitious young maker said she wants to make an alarm to keep her sister away from her stuff (but a quiet alarm, so her sister doesn't know about it).

    Besides the contest, we had a blinky demo set up to show just one of the many virtues of using iPython—teaching kids. I was absolutely shocked and awed at the positive response from the elementary school aged makers that came by. With just a touch of guidance, they were able to answer age-appropriate comprehension questions posed to them. They were very excited to have understood so quickly—almost as excited as I was to see them understanding! They seemed to legitimately enjoy the demonstration, and some asked if we could teach them more!

    So what's next? All of your support has certainly motivated us to work even harder on getting Malti nailed down. We're putting our noses to the proverbial grindstone, so we can get Malti in your hands as soon as possible! Jeremy's working on revising the PCB to accommodate SMD buttons for the keyboard, along with working on that finicky power circuitry. I'm going to delve into the wild world of software development, starting with an efficient application launcher for a small touchscreen.

    A very special thanks goes to the fantastic team at the Chicago Northside Mini Maker Faire for all their help, and for letting us come show off! Thank you to all the Makers who showed up and offered such positive words of encouragement. We hope you will continue to follow Malti as we develop it!

  • It Lives!

    Jayda Van04/28/2015 at 12:31 0 comments

    The first prototype is assembled and working. The power circuitry is being a little finicky but the keyboard works great. Here's the schematic for it:

    To get the keyboard working with the Raspberry Pi A+ (what we're using for our current prototype):

    3.3v --> Pin 1

    SDA --> Pin 3

    SCL --> Pin 5

    GND --> Any GND Pin

    INT --> ***Is Not Connected

    On the software side of things we compiled a custom Kernel with the TCA8418 Driver. By far the easiest method I found for cross compiling the Kernel is found Here. The total compilation time was only about 20mins. The tricky part was getting the device tree overlay working. Take a look at the Raspberry Pi device tree documentation.

    Here's the overlay:

    compatible = "brcm,bcm2708";
    fragment@0 {
    	target = <&i2c1>;
    		tca8418@34 {
    	        compatible = "ti,tca8418";    
    	        reg = <0x34>;
    	    irq-gpio = <&gpio 11 0x2>; /* IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING */
                interrupts = <11 2>; /* high-to-low edge triggered */
                interrupt-parent = <&gpio>;
    			keypad,num-rows = <8>;
    	        keypad,num-columns = <10>;
    	        linux,keymap = <
    	    /* row | column | key-code  ex: 04,08,0010 q key*/

    You can find the keycodes in /linux/include/input.h just convert them to hex.

    Here's a couple of sites with additional information: Not Raspberry Pi Specific but Has Great Info On The Device Tree Good Info on How Keyboards Work in Linux

    Now that we have the keyboard working the next step is get the PCB re-printed with modified power circuitry once we figure out exactly what went wrong.

    That's all for now. We're posting a video of Malti running soon so stay tuned. Also, if you want to get your hands on our prototype check us out at the 2015 Chicago Northside Maker Faire.

  • First Prototype Board Assembled

    Jayda Van04/10/2015 at 12:31 2 comments

    Our board finally came from OSHPark! After a night of SMD soldering it's finally done.

    Note: The original name for this project has changed thanks mostly to Rita.

    What's Next:

    We're using this prototype board to start work on driver support for the TCA814. This neat little chip controls all 59 keys in matrix configuration and takes care of the debouncing for us. Also, we have the battery charging circuit and voltage regulator on the same PCB so we can get a realistic estimate of battery life.

View all 8 project logs

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侯辞 wrote 02/16/2020 at 04:44 point

How to compile

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Craig Hissett wrote 11/12/2015 at 12:26 point

I effing love this project buddy! With my #Handheld Programmer project I am hoping to explore the same thing; a portable Pi-based environment to run Python scripts.

I was basing mine on a Gameboy case, meaning the select few buttons on it would be mainly for finding and executing scripts; actual coding would be done via a USB keyboard, VNC Access or by using FTP to drop files on to it over Wifi.

I'm definitely going to be keeping tabs on your project's development!

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[this comment has been deleted]

Jayda Van wrote 06/08/2015 at 20:10 point

Yeah $9 is just way too cheap. My second concern is that their misleading people with their software. A full desktop is very usable at their resolution.

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frankstripod wrote 06/02/2015 at 18:36 point

Jeremy, I feel sorry no one saw your cry for help. I like your project much better. To me the $9 CHIP looks like its marketed to ignorant people who have no idea LibreOffice is free. I have done more with laptops from dumpsters, and that Kickstarter makes just as much sense if you replace all the words "CHIP" and "$9" with "dumpster laptop" and "$0". I cant believe its close to $2million now. If anything it proves there are plenty of people waiting to throw money away on devices like yours, so back to work, Hack on!

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Jayda Van wrote 06/02/2015 at 19:26 point

Thank you. This made my day.

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