Weekend's TODO list
08/21/2015 at 17:24 • 0 comments1. Merge Atmega 328, MAX31855, BT0415, opto-coupler and solid state relay into a single pcb. NB Include programming header and mini USB female connector. OK
In the end and for the time being decided against the programming header and mini USB female connector, opting instead for a 28 DIL socket to house the Atmega328, which will be pre-programmed.
Fig. 1 JASONette Interface compatible circuit v0.1
Today's TODO list
08/20/2015 at 13:15 • 0 comments1. Make thermocouple. OK
2. Take photos and update build instructions. OK
Today's TODO list
08/18/2015 at 18:18 • 0 comments1. Add oven photos. OK
2. Learn how to debug stepping through code in Android - F8. OK
Today's TODO list
08/16/2015 at 18:21 • 0 commentsQuarterfinals (Stage 2). By 1:50 p.m. P.D.T. on August 17, 2015, complete the following steps:
i.Complete all Stage One requirements OK
ii.Video. Create a video, no more than two (2) minutes in length, that shows the prototype in progress (i.e., what works, what does not work, what the Participant wants to improve). The video does not need to be “studio quality.” Upload the video to YouTube or Youku and tag the video with the keywords: HackadayPrize, quarterfinals. OK
iii.Project Profile. On the Project Profile:
a)Link to the video OK
b)Update and add detail to info entered at the Entry Round stage OK
c)Show at least four (4) Project Log updates OK
d)Link to any repositories (e.g., Github) OK
e)Post a system design document, including a preliminary components list. The system design document should show what is working and what the Participant is building toward OK
f)Document all open-source licenses and permissions as well as any applicable third-party licenses/restrictions OK
The Hackaday Prize - Entry Round (Stage 1)
08/16/2015 at 00:49 • 0 commentsTime running out for submission so need to get all the bits together:
Entry Round (Stage 1).Complete the following steps
i.Personal Profile. Create a personal profile on hackaday.io, completing all required fields and following all instructions (required of each Participant, including each member of a team). OK
ii.Project Profile. Create a project profile on hackaday.io, completing all required fields and following all instructions (“Project Profile”). Tag the Project Profile with: HackadayPrize. OK
iii.On the Project Profile:
a)Discuss the problem which has been chosen as the subject of the project OK
b)Discuss how this project will work to alleviate or solve the problem OK
c)Publish at least one (1) image to help illustrate how the project might be used. This may be a sketch, schematic, flow chart, rendering, or other type of image. OK
Project renaming
08/15/2015 at 14:19 • 0 commentsAfter some mulling I decided to change the name from Weblino to JASONette Interface. Weblino is an attempt to mix Web and Arduino to convey an idea of distributed embedded systems but since JSON is central to the project and the actual transport, so to speak, as well as the embedded platforms, are secondary, I figured the new name would be more descriptive.
Day 5
05/07/2015 at 23:40 • 0 commentsNow we have a function which takes a parameter, to brighten and dim our led. Also, cpplint.py is up and running. 14 warnings came up so some housekeeping to be done.
Action points:
1. Make ProofOfConcept2.ino ccplint.py compliant
2. Add JSON validation for incoming code.
Day 4
05/03/2015 at 23:20 • 0 commentsAfter a couple of days off we are back on the air. Now we have three functions:
void LedOn(); void LedOff; boolean LedIsOn();
This last one returning 0 or 1 depending on led state.
About the coding standards, we've decided to go with google's C++ coding style guide, aiming to use cpplint.py to stylistically validate the source code.
There is a lot to be done about calling functions, passing arguments, raising errors such as malformatted JSON and so on, but anyway, on step at a time.
Action points:
1. Create function definition - 1 argument, return type void.
2. Test cpplint.py on ProofOfConcept2.ino.
Day 3
05/01/2015 at 01:26 • 0 commentsCompleted Day 2 tasks. Created function definition of return type void:
Action points:
1. Create function definition - no arguments, return type integer.
2. Make a start on coding style guide.
Day 2
04/30/2015 at 00:06 • 0 commentsCompleted proof of concept:
Action points:
1. Rename ProofOfConcept.ino ProofOfConcept1.ino
2. Create ProofOfConcept2.ino.
2.1. Create function definition - no arguments, return type void.