Oh... where to start...
One, and probably the major, reason why I started building this machine is that I wanted to make PCBs. Just one-offs that could be made in hour(s) instead of having to wait weeks for the boards to be delivered. Obviously I could also etch the boards and while @CNLohr makes it look so easy, to me the process is just not appealing mainly because waste disposal is a whole nother issue. So PCB mill it is (or was). Plus, it might come in handy for milling other things as well and maybe I can 'slap' an extruder on there, too, but that's probably another 2.5 years down the line ;)
- Some links - more information and inspirations
- Electronics
- Electronics - motor control
- Mechanical 'design'* - general overview
- 'Spindle'
Some years later...
How far did you get with this?