
#2 ESP-display-shield

A project log for Me building/using other people's ideas/projects

Project for different stuff I "rebuilt"

alexAlex 01/03/2016 at 18:212 Comments

As you could have noticed @davedarko and I did each built an ESP8266 development board. Because they are very similar I could copy his idea of a display shield. In his project #ESP8266 RFid reader you can see his way. I did rebuilt this idea to fit to my #ESP8266 (ESP-07/12) Dev Board (rev1-2). It should be the same display. I did use this library and the Arduino IDE to program the ESP.

The shield is made out of cheap prototype board, wires, solder tin and some pin headers:

Together with display and ESP-board it look like this:

I usually design these little prototype board also with eagle, so If you are interested in the "layout" of the prototype board (the blue layer is top in this case):


Craig Hissett wrote 01/04/2016 at 00:35 point

I look forward to replicating this sometime soon. I have both of your ESP boards so it would be a welcome addition :-)

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davedarko wrote 01/03/2016 at 19:28 point

woohoo :) Looks good! 

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