#5b PCB Word Clock - some Images
08/10/2019 at 09:12 • 0 comments -
#6b Zynthia - now with case
01/14/2018 at 21:46 • 4 commentsMy Zynthia is some kind of ready now! It got a an acrylic case now. The circuit is based on one of @davedarko 's project. #zynthia - sequencer synthesizer
#6 Zynthia
09/16/2017 at 15:20 • 2 commentsAgain based on one of @davedarko 's project. A one board version of #zynthia - sequencer synthesizer
The PCB is 58x64 mm. I did not populate the LEDs so far and I will also make a Laser cut Front panel. There will be an update soon.
#5 PCB Word Clock
02/19/2017 at 00:29 • 9 commentssome kind of combination of :
@davedarko's #PCB word clock and
@Daniel Rojas's #Micro Word Clock
A 8x8 PCB based German Word clock with LEDs shining through the PCB. As LEDs I will use LEDs with are made for reverse mount (link Osram Datasheet). I also added vias to avoid bleeding/overlapping of light. Not really sure if needed or not but there is is enough place for vias.
PCB preview rendered with OSH-PAak's web interface
PCB Back
Used LED type (image from Osram's website)
Some facts:
- LEDs wired as normal 8x8 Matrix
- Connection by wires attached to the test pads at the side or directly at LED pads
- The LEDs were first the board was designed to this type of LEDs
- The dimension is 5x5 cm so cheap Chinese manufacturing would be possible.
- Controlling Planned with Some kind of microcontroller board without pin headers (Arduino Nano or similar) Wired to the row/coll connectors on the back
- PCB is not yet ordered (after midnight).
#4 LED projector
06/11/2016 at 17:48 • 3 commentsIinspired by #Pi Zero IOT Led Matrix Beamer but no ikea lamp. And no text display yet. Just an old projector an my #384:LED taped together. More coming....
#3b Servo Controller
01/24/2016 at 12:26 • 0 commentsI did had some trouble with the long pin headers when trying to desolder the Arduino again to change the resonator. The resonator is between the two PCBs in this setup. I do not think I will get this repaired again. Mostly out of frustration about this this I was thinking about a single PCB solution. I ended up with this:
Because this will be to much for this project (Which will be most about small 1-2 log long rebuilts), I did make a own project for this now: #SERVOcontrol.
I did also begin to write some firmware. Eight Servos are running. More about the firmware soon in the new project.
#3 Servo Controller
01/13/2016 at 18:19 • 3 commentsThis is a rebuilt of @Radomir Dopieralski 's #Servo Controller. It is a nice idea and a way to use my Arduino pro minis. I did not try software yet. Maybe I will write my own, but I do not know yet. At least the Hardware is ready:
The outer pin header are longer so that they can be soldered to the Arduino and the prototype board. On the backside of the prototype PCB I did also solder some 100nF SMD capacitors. The i2c Bus, which is on some inner Pads on the Arduino, is connected via two wires with the two white pins. With the Jumper you can connect Vin of the Arduino with the Servo power rail.
#2 ESP-display-shield
01/03/2016 at 18:21 • 2 commentsAs you could have noticed @davedarko and I did each built an ESP8266 development board. Because they are very similar I could copy his idea of a display shield. In his project #ESP8266 RFid reader you can see his way. I did rebuilt this idea to fit to my #ESP8266 (ESP-07/12) Dev Board (rev1-2). It should be the same display. I did use this library and the Arduino IDE to program the ESP.
The shield is made out of cheap prototype board, wires, solder tin and some pin headers:
Together with display and ESP-board it look like this:
I usually design these little prototype board also with eagle, so If you are interested in the "layout" of the prototype board (the blue layer is top in this case):
#1 LED Polyhedron
01/02/2016 at 23:19 • 0 commentsBuilding LED cube based on #LED Polyhedron by @Daniel Rojas
I did changed Daniel's example Arduino code a little bit to make it run with a cube. I used a Arduino Nano clone to test it. The idea to make forms based on squares is not so good. The structure of this cube is very weak and you should handle it with much care when transporting it. Here I little video in the dark: