TI BQ24075 Li-Ion Battery Charger is used in the VMU Zero V1. This device also integrates the power path management to supply regulated power to the system even the battery is depleted or detached.
Test Setup
Slide the switch S1 to ON position to connect the battery
Attach USB cable and fully charge the battery
Probe VBAT and GPIO14 (TX) to monitor the system power status
[Test Case #1] Leave the screen at emulator selectorRemove charger and plot the discharging profile
Charge the battery
[Test Case #2] Load Super Mario on NES Emulator and leave at demoRemove the charger and plot the discharging profile
Slide the switch S1 to OFF position to disconnect the battery
Probe VBAT and CHG# to monitor the charging status
[Test Case #3] Leave the screen at emulator selector
Slide the S1 to ON position and plot the charging profile
Discharging Profile Case #1 - Idle at Emulator Selector
Discharging Profile Case #2 - Super Mario Bros on NES Emulator
It only lasts 20 minutes with the 150mAh battery. 500mAh battery will be considered for V2 design...
Charging Profile Case #3 - Idle at Emulator Selector
Charing time will look very similar regardless of the tasks on the Pi unless total input current exceeds the limit of 1.3A which is configured at I_LIM pin.
VMU Zero is using the original piezo speaker in the VMU. Piezo actuator is essentially a capacitor and it requires higher voltage to drive.
Test Setup
Set volume as 100%
amixer cset numid=1 -- 100%
[Idle] Probe the GPIO18 directly at Pi output in idle state
[Frequency Response] Probe V_in at R21 and V_out at LT3469 output
Play pre-generated single tone wave file
aplay sin_1khz_100.wav
Measure the sound level at 2cm proximity using SoundMetrer X on iPhone
Repeat step 3-5 with varying the frequency from 10Hz to 20kHz
[THD] Probe V_in at R21 and V_out at LT34469 output
Play pre-generated 1kHz wave file
Record the sound at 20cm proximity using WaveSpectra on PC
Repeat step 7-9 with varying the peak level of the wave from 10% to 100%
Continuous 8.4kHz oscillation was observed at PWM output when no audio. Amplitude was about 1.6V and DC offset was around 1.60V.
Frequency Response - Individual
Peak volume at 5kHz.
Frequency Response - Sweep
Narrow peak frequency response from 3kHz to 6kHz. Anything below 2kHz is significantly attenuated with -20dB.
THD was almost 100% when the volume is 50% level because the PWM output was clipped above 50%. This resulted 3rd harmonic tone surpassing the fundamental of 1kHz at the speaker output.