pcb layout - finally figured out
05/15/2014 at 09:29 • 0 comments -
POV based LED menu
05/14/2014 at 11:19 • 0 commentsI just had a great idea, how I could show in which menu state I am. I will use a 5 LED bar graph showing some stuff like transmitting channels, but this can also be used as a 5 LED POV display as well! This will automatically lead to wildly move around with my sonic, so this seems pretty authentic as well ;)
taking stock and charlie-plexed bargraph
05/11/2014 at 22:37 • 0 commentsSo I checked my box with all the materials I gathered so far, and it seems I could easily build 2-3 of the same functionality.
I also designed a charlie-plexed pcb for the 5 led bargraph so it only needs 3pins, as I won't have that much free anymore. The circuit can be found here. http://123d.circuits.io/circuits/204380-5led-bargraph-charlieplex
LED PCB Design
05/07/2014 at 22:04 • 0 commentsFiddling with three LEDs with 10 legs total can be frustrating and leads to virtuos deadbug designs - resistors not even included, so today I took some time to design this pcb. The next design will be a board with an ULN2003A on, to drive the LEDs and an input board with three buttons and resistors, maybe in a sandwich methode, buttons on the upper side, driver on the bottom.
Photodiode Gamma Ray Detection
05/01/2014 at 21:28 • 0 commentsWhile searching for darlington arrays I found an interesting german page about a gamma ray detector using a photodiode and an darlington circuit. I still have one channel free on my LED driving IC and the used diode is not expensive.
Combining inputs and outputs
04/29/2014 at 18:04 • 0 commentsThis is a table with some possible combinations for the sonic screwdriver.
Menu input output combination result DAZZ rgb led, white led Randomized switching of the LEDs like in the link - a non lethal weapon a doctor may approve.
http://hackaday.com/2009/09/28/open-source-weapon-makes-you-puke/MAESTRO accelerometer rgb led throwing the ssd would result in a colorful representation of the forces on each axis see the example "mpu2rgb"
THEREMIN photoresistor piezo speaker also known as a light theremin N/A accelerometer
photoresistorserial console 3D scanning devise (probably very crude) N/A fader piezo speaker a trumpet or flute like instrument N/A accelerometer IR led controlling IR helicopters and cars remotely N/A piezo speaker,
bar graphmetronome, using bargraph as binary display to show bpm / 10 N/A accelerometer
piezo speaker
alarm triggered by movement