
Simon Kirkby

Maker , geek , tinkerer

Perth Australia
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This user joined on 02/28/2016.

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Enrico wrote 06/22/2016 at 19:10 point

Thanks for the appreciation!!

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Simon Kirkby wrote 02/29/2016 at 03:55 point

Indeed , some of my reading has pointed towards CORDICS. but a multiplier would help. I just wanted to get my feet wet with some FPGA stuff.What is chance of these being added to XESS catalogue ? 

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Dave Vandenbout wrote 02/28/2016 at 02:33 point

Thanks for the skull!

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Simon Kirkby wrote 02/28/2016 at 12:25 point

cool project , i'd buy one.  Do you think 8ks LUTs is enough to make a modem ?

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Dave Vandenbout wrote 02/28/2016 at 13:32 point

I'm not sure; modems encompass a lot of territory. One factor to note is if you are doing a lot of signal processing, then built-in multipliers in the FPGA make things much easier. The iCE40HX8K has no multipliers.

The good thing is you can download the Lattice iCEcube2 or the open source Icestorm software and try your ideas for free. If you describe your design using MyHDL, Verilog or VHDL, then you can easily port it to Xilinx or Altera FPGAs if the Lattice part doesn't work out.

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