
Kevin Harrington

Bowler System: Open source, Closed-loop, low cost CNC controllers with a command and control framework.

Worcester, Massachusetts
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This user joined on 04/28/2014.

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Things I've Built


This is a Java application (and framework API) for interacting with bowler devices. It makes it easy to interact with the devices and quickly develop hardware.

Michigan J Skeleton

This was a fun halloween project from 2011 where i added a layer to the DyIO where you can load a song and synchronize motions to that music. I made a skeleton sing and dance.


This is a Dynamic I/O controller. It used the bowler protocol to abstract microcontroller functions across a communication link. All features can be requested from a host application and used through the same interface.


This is the first robot to use the Bowler CNC controller. It is a closed loop control system running each axis. We have increased the possible precision per axis while cutting the cost down to 1/4 of an equivalent stepper.

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MasterOfNull wrote 05/13/2019 at 19:39 point

Thank you for the Like of the #FilaMecanum project Kevin.  I apologize for my inner monologue that happened on the chat session.  That was not intended for public consumption.  :)  I do envy the ability to do 'that' though...  Please check out my actual planned submission this year, #P2 - Pick and Place for 3D Printers which is *still* waiting on a Jetson Nano to move forward.

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Patrick Van Oosterwijck wrote 04/15/2019 at 16:28 point

Thanks for your interest in my #wESP32: Wired ESP32 with Ethernet and PoE project Kevin!

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AVR wrote 05/15/2014 at 20:14 point
I'm sure you have figured out how to squeeze every last clock cycle out of you PICs over th years but this might be of interest

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Dan Royer wrote 04/29/2014 at 02:41 point
Every bit helps. Thank you!

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