• Install Chirp on Debian/Ubuntu Linux

    02/10/2024 at 00:35 0 comments

    Make sure you have python3-virtualenv, libcairo-dev and libgtk-3-dev or newer installed.

    Grab the latest chirp python wheel from: https://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/chirp_next/

    On the day this page was written the latest release was next-20240208.

    mkdir chirp && cd "$_"
    wget https://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/chirp_next/next-20240208/chirp-20240208-py3-none-any.whl
    # create virtual environment for python3.11, you can change this for whatever python3 you would like to use
    python3 -m virtualenv --python=python3.11 .pyenv
    .pyenv/bin/pip install chirp-20240208-py3-none-any.whl
    # wxPython is required for GUI, but if you want
    # to use chirpc (cli version) you don't need it.
    .pyenv/bin/pip install wxPython
    # create symbolic links
    ln -s .pyenv/bin/chirp
    ln -s .pyenv/bin/chirpc
    # run chirp


  • How to install and use CHIRP(Legacy) for radio programming

    04/01/2021 at 06:34 0 comments

    [edit: Wed 22 Nov 2023 - still valid]

    I bought a Baofeng BF-T1 radio and needed to write the channel configurations into it, so I googled a bit and found out that it can be done with CHIRP but I could not find an easy way to install it without littering the operating system's Python.

    After checking CHIRP's requirements and dependencies I figured out a way to install it into a virtual environment without a single sudo ;)

    Of course there are some preconditions, you need to have wget, xarchiver, python2.7, pip2.7 and virtualenv already installed and a permission for /dev/ttyUSBx devices or belong to dialout group, you may also need to install libcairo-dev / libgtk2.0-dev, below is the script: (should work for debian / ubuntu but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY)

    If you have python3, you can to install virtualenv using pip or python3-virtualenv using apt.

    # I hope that this will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
    # Copy this into a file install_chirp.sh and call it in the current bash session
    # by typing: . install_chirp.sh
    # this will create a new dir called "chirp" and will setup chirp for you
    mkdir chirp && cd "$_"
    # grab the legacy CHIRP tarball (chirp*.tar.gz)
    wget -e robots=off -r -npd -A tar.gz https://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/chirp_daily/LATEST/
    # download the packages
    wget http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/pygobject-2/python-gobject-2_2.28.6-13+b1_amd64.deb
    wget http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/pool/main/p/pygtk/python-gtk2_2.24.0-5.1+b1_amd64.deb
    wget ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxml2-python-2.9.4-1.fc23.x86_64.rpm
    # create virtual environment, activate it
    # & install requirements with pip (this
    # will install into the virtual env.
    # -> .pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages)
    python3 -m virtualenv --python=python2.7 .pyenv
    source .pyenv/bin/activate || return
    pip install pyserial pycairo
    # extract the downloaded packages and copy them
    # into the virtual environment
    xarchiver -x . libxml2-python-2.9.4-1.fc23.x86_64.rpm
    cp -r usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/* .pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
    rm -r usr/
    xarchiver -x . python-gobject-2_2.28.6-13+b1_amd64.deb
    tar -Jxf data.tar.xz
    rm -r data.tar.xz control.tar.xz
    cp -r usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/* .pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
    rm -r usr/
    xarchiver -x . python-gtk2_2.24.0-5.1+b1_amd64.deb
    tar -Jxf data.tar.xz
    rm -r data.tar.xz control.tar.xz
    cp -r usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gtk-2.0/* .pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
    rm -r usr/
    # finally install chirp into the virtual environment
    pip install chirp*.tar.gz
    ln -s .pyenv/bin/chirpw
    sed -i '1i#!'`pwd`'/.pyenv/bin/python' chirpw
    echo 'Now you can run "./chirpw" from '`pwd`

    Now you can start chirp by running ./chirpw

    Here I found how to make a cable for programming my BF-T1:

    I created my cable form an micro USB, switched ping 2 to pin 4 on the micro-b end, and soldered gold pins on the type-A side to connect it with female-female gold pin wires.

    The photos below shows the cable, the FTDI board and the radio connected while being programmed.

    And here is a video on how to install chirp using the scrip shown before and how to use chirp with BF-T1:

    #baofeng #bf-t1 #bft1 #BF-T1 #BFT1 #chirp #CHIRP #python2.7