This story begins around five years ago, so settle in and prepare for a personal tale of hardship, pain, healing and reconciliation. But first the last of the scars healing from bone deep puncture wounds.
One day out of the blue my father's dog, Rocky was propositioned to be a new father of a set of fine purebred german shorthaired puppies, as the owner of the sire, the pick of the litter was bestowed upon me, by my father.
Around 60 days later a pup named Teufel Hund was thrust forth into the world. The most bird hating, run loving, butt wiggling, mouse digging little monster that ever lived. I was overjoyed to take my new pup home to Laramie WY and begin rearing him at twelve weeks. He spent half of his early time with a half coyote mutt, and the other half with a blind pitbull during which, he showed he could get along with just about any canine.
Shortly thereafter I took a job as a laboratory technician at a confidential research institute which required night shifts about half of the month, this would spell trouble later. This job would also spark my interest in nano-technology as I would spend every last lunch break reading scholarly journals.
After about two months into my job, my parents announced a divorce. This spelled trouble for the stud Rocky as he was no longer welcome at his home in Douglas, as my father was in Kazakhstan mining uranium ore. Rocky was forced to go to a dog trainer in the middle of a nowhere Wyoming prairie and was consequentially no longer given the attention he desired.
Rocky lashed out in anger, at every dog around him feeling supplanted and rejected. Rixus The Undefeated Gaul, he was called, weighing in at only 75lbs among much larger German Shepherds and Labradors. He was miserable and tortured by being away from his family, locked in a small 6 by 10 kennel for most of the day, he routinely broke free. He had broken his upper canines from chewing through locks and prying the lid off the kennel to get out in attempt to escape imprisonment and find his family. The dog trainer took it upon himself to take Rockstar into his home to attempt to give the savage beast some of what he felt he deserved. It was not enough and Rockso the Dog and Roll Clown routinely caused mischief and mayhem, once stealing the Christmas ham to have himself a feast.
I was called upon to assume the leadership role and bring Rocky into my home, and hopefully bring him round to sense, whilst calming hackle. He was used to me in that role as I was his secondary master for a few years whilst I still lived in the same town as my parent's. He had a girlfriend named Piper at the time who was the female companion of my then girlfriend. Thus he respected me and was submissive to my command.
It was a good match having him in Laramie with Tuefel and I, and they got along swimmingly for many months. They would chase each other, play tug, hump each other for dominance, chew from the same bone, drink from the same bowl, and eat from the same meat heap.
Then due to my high stress job, during the middle of graveyards I developed the flu. I was wrecked physically and was unable to take them for four days on their daily hour long run. One day while I was sleepily watching them play in the back yard Tuefel picked up a red pillow they routinely played with, it was then that Rocky snapped and lost all sense. He chased Tuefel under the porch and began to maul him, cries of pain echoed through the neighborhood as Tuefel was at the mercy of Rixus' powerful jaws.
I sprang from my bed which I had positioned on the back porch, to move to seperate the dogs as Rocky was attempting to kill Tuefel who was then at the time still very much a puppy and much weaker than the older Rocky. I quickly seperated them and took a few steps back to catch my wind, and upchuck as I was running a very high fever and was very weak. Rocky sprang again and the two spiraled toward the back of the yard, as Tuefel slipped and fell Rocky was locked around his neck grinding him into...
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Do I need LiSO4, Li2SO4 or can this capacitor be created with some other electrolyte?