Early Prototype with Partial Silicone Rubber Skin
05/24/2018 at 02:22 • 0 commentsThis early prototype made less extensive use of the silicone rubber skin - the rubber only partially covered the fingers and thumb. Hard plastic parts not covered by silicone rubber have surfaces derived from the 3D scan hand model, although the effect is largely lost because the areas are so small. This prototype had a lot of issues: the rubber pulled away from the hard plastic and the overall appearance didn't really recall the original 3D scan hand model. I also generally wanted as much surface area as possible to be silicone rubber.
Bonus Model: Decoratively Carved Flexy Hand
05/08/2018 at 23:02 • 0 commentsThe articulation geometries of the 3D printed parts in my silicone skin prosthetic hand are based directly on the "Flexy Hand 2" model by Steve Wood (http://enablingthefuture.org/upper-limb-prosthetics/the-flexy-hand/).
I liked the Flexy Hand model so much I decided to give it an artistic twist and do some carving in Blender. I uploaded a carved version as a ready to print STL model file: "modified_artistic_flexy_hand_prosthetic_print.stl". It is too big to store on Hackaday so you can find it in the "MODELS" directory of the project GitHub repository (https://github.com/curtpw/silicone-skin-prosthetic-hand)