
Zero A9G GPS tracker

Makerfabs Maduino Zero A9G GPRS/GSM/GPS tracker.

Similar projects worth following
Maduino Zero A9G GPRS/GSM/GPS tracker. The ai-think A9G is the upgrade version of A7, smaller, and power lower.. based on the ATSAMD21G18, more powerful for real applications.

I have designed a lot of IOT modules based on Arduino +AIThink or SIMcomm modules such as SIM900, and SIM808, but I think this would be the latest version. the ATSAMD21G18 Arduino zero platform gets more attractive, the same price as 328+UART, or 32U4, but much more powerful. 

The Zero A9G GPS tracker features:

1. 3.3V power system~~ very important for mobile/outdoor use, as the lipo batteries can power it directly now, 

2. chargeable, on-board charge circuits to make the lipo can be charged by USB connector or Solar panels

3. on boards SD cards, for data logging...

It is updated to the V3.3, you can see the usage on Wiki.

Maduino Zero A9G GPS Tracker v3.3.brd

Maduino Zero A9G GPS Tracker v3.3 schematic PCB Layout

brd - 475.49 kB - 08/30/2019 at 09:37


Maduino Zero A9G GPS Tracker v3.3.sch

Maduino Zero A9G GPS Tracker v3.3 schematic with Eagle

sch - 434.28 kB - 08/30/2019 at 09:36


Maduino Zero A9G v1.0.brd

version 1.0, not completed yet....

brd - 415.09 kB - 05/21/2018 at 10:02


Maduino Zero A9G v1.0.sch

version 1.0, not completed yet....

sch - 294.32 kB - 05/21/2018 at 10:02


  • Updated to V3

    Makerfabs08/30/2019 at 09:24 0 comments

    Updates in the version 3:

    1. Power circuit update: previously a 3.7v battery is needed as the A9G power supply. 

    in the new version 3, the module can be powered either by battery , or directly by USB.

    2. Battery voltage Monitor, to check the battery voltage

    3. USB voltage monitor, to check if there a USB power connected;

    4. 3.3V DC-DC module updated to 1A Version

    5. Power switch added , to power on/off the whole module.

  • A9G firmware update ports

    Makerfabs12/12/2018 at 07:04 3 comments

    Recently we got many customers’ feedback about the A9G module, that how to upgrade the A9G firmware, as Aithink released new version firmware.

    That we released the Maduino A9G 2.0, with A9G module firmware upgrade port added:

    1.   The A9G firmware upgrade port:

    The A9G uses a simple UART port for firmware updates. In our new released Maduino A9G 2.0 version, you can find it here:

    And, you may need a USB2UART convertor, such as the CP2104 Convertor.

    2.   Download the Aithink firmware upload tools and the latest firmware for A9G board at: A9G firmware and

    3.  Connect the USB2UART to Maduino, as below:

    A9/A9G         3.3V USB to TTL

    HRXD           <->      TXD

    HTXD           <->      RXD

    GND             <->      GND

    4. Open the firmware update tool, select the latest version of firmware, and click “start” to start the upgrading.

  • GSM Testing

    Makerfabs06/07/2018 at 11:10 0 comments

    Ok, I admire that my coding poor, a simple code, that the Maduino zero receives the SMS from a phone, and then controls the connected LED on and off..... The LED turns on when receiving my message:"onr":

    #define DEBUG true
      int pon=9;
      int poff=6;
      int lowp=5;
     int LED_R= 2;
     int LED_G = 3;
     int LED_B=4;
     String msg = String("");
     int SmsContentFlag = 0;
    void setup()
      pinMode(pon, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(poff, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(lowp, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(poff, LOW);
      digitalWrite(lowp, HIGH);   
      digitalWrite(pon, HIGH);
      String msg = String("");
      int SmsContentFlag = 0;
      pinMode( LED_R, OUTPUT ); 
      pinMode(LED_G, OUTPUT );
      pinMode(LED_B, OUTPUT );
      digitalWrite(LED_R, HIGH ); 
      digitalWrite(LED_G, HIGH );
      digitalWrite(LED_B, HIGH );  
       while (!SerialUSB) {
        ; // wait for serial port to connect
    void loop()
        char SerialInByte;
        if( SerialUSB.available())
            Serial1.print((unsigned char);
        else if( Serial1.available())
            char SerialInByte;
            SerialInByte = (unsigned char);
            if( SerialInByte == 13 )
             if( SerialInByte == 10 ){
             else {
               // EN: store the current character in the message string buffer
               msg += String(SerialInByte);
    void poweron()
         int i=0;
         boolean result = false;
         digitalWrite(pon, LOW);    
        digitalWrite(pon, HIGH);
         result =  Serial1.find("OK");
        SerialUSB.println( "Please send sms to control your device!" );
                         result =  Serial1.find("OK");
                            SerialUSB.println( "Please send sms to control your device!" );
    void ProcessSms( String sms )
       SerialUSB.print( "ProcessSms for [" );
       SerialUSB.print( sms );
       SerialUSB.println( "]" ); 
      if( sms.indexOf("onr") >= 0 ){
        digitalWrite(LED_R, LOW);
         SerialUSB.println( "LED Red ON" );
    //    return;
      if( sms.indexOf("ong") >= 0 ){
        digitalWrite( LED_G, LOW);
         SerialUSB.println( "LED Green ON" );
    //    return;
        if( sms.indexOf("onb") >= 0 ){
        digitalWrite(LED_B, LOW);
         SerialUSB.println( "LED Blue ON" );
    //    return;
        if( sms.indexOf("offr") >= 0 ){
            digitalWrite( LED_R,HIGH);
         SerialUSB.println( "LED Red OFF" );
    //    return;
      if( sms.indexOf("offg") >= 0 ){
        digitalWrite(LED_G, HIGH );
         SerialUSB.println( "LED Green OFF" );
    //    return;
        if( sms.indexOf("offb") >= 0 ){
        digitalWrite(LED_B, HIGH );
         SerialUSB.println( "LED Blue OFF" );
    //    return;
    // EN: Request Text Mode for SMS messaging
    void GprsTextModeSMS(){
       Serial1.println( "AT+CMGF=1" );
    void GprsReadSmsStore( String SmsStorePos ){
      // Serial.print( "GprsReadSmsStore for storePos " );
      // Serial.println( SmsStorePos ); 
       Serial1.print( "AT+CMGR=" );
       Serial1.println( SmsStorePos );
    // EN: Clear the GPRS shield message buffer
    void ClearGprsMsg(){
      msg = "";
    // EN: interpret the GPRS shield message and act appropiately
    void ProcessGprsMsg() 
      //  Serial.print( "GPRS Message: [" );
        SerialUSB.print( msg );
    //    Serial.println( "]" );
        if( msg.indexOf( "Call Ready" ) >= 0 )
            SerialUSB.println( "*** GPRS Shield registered on Mobile Network ***" );
      // EN: unsolicited message received when getting a SMS message
      // FR: Message non sollicit茅 quand un SMS arrive
      if( msg.indexOf( "+CIEV" ) >= 0 )
          SerialUSB.println( "*** SMS Received ***" );
      // EN: SMS store readed through UART (result of GprsReadSmsStore request)  
      if( msg.indexOf( "+CMT:" ) >= 0 )
        // EN: Next message will contains the BODY of SMS
        SmsContentFlag = 1;
        // EN: Following lines are essentiel to not clear the flag!
      // EN: +CMGR message just before indicate that the following GRPS Shield message 
      //     (this message) will contains the SMS body
      if( SmsContentFlag == 1 )
         SerialUSB.println( "*** SMS MESSAGE CONTENT...
    Read more »

  • Firmware Testing

    Makerfabs06/07/2018 at 11:00 0 comments

    today i write some small firmware to test the module if it works as intended. firstly i just make it get the GPS signal and display my location on my PC:

    #define DEBUG true
      int pon=9;
      int poff=6;
      int lowp=5;
    #define DEBUG true
      int pon=9;
      int poff=6;
      int lowp=5;
    void setup()
      pinMode(pon, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(poff, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(lowp, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(poff, LOW);
      digitalWrite(lowp, HIGH);   
      digitalWrite(pon, HIGH);
       while (!SerialUSB) {
        ; // wait for serial port to connect
      digitalWrite(pon, LOW);    
       digitalWrite(pon, HIGH);
       sendData("AT+GPS=1 ",1000,DEBUG);
    void loop()
    String sendData(String command, const int timeout, boolean debug)
        String response = "";    
        long int time = millis();   
        while( (time+timeout) > millis())
            char c =; 
        return response;

    in 30 seconds, it output as:

    it means: 
    The UTC time: 035442;

    The valid location: A,means yes

    And my location: 2235.5484, Northern Hemisphere and 11351.4722, East longitude;
    and follows some charators, i do not quite understand, and care;

    and date: 070618(date/month/year)

  • manual soldering

    Makerfabs05/31/2018 at 09:12 0 comments

    only 10 minutes for a sample soldering.... do not know why the picture rotates manually when upload to here....

    will program for testing tonight...

  • First sample Ready

    Makerfabs05/31/2018 at 08:51 0 comments

    PCB completed .  and one sample board in manual soldering.... 10 minutes....

  • Ready for the first prototyping

    Makerfabs05/26/2018 at 02:19 0 comments

    the first prototyping version,  ready for production .

View all 7 project logs

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Felix wrote 09/01/2022 at 13:49 point

Hey, cool project. What's the expected battery life with this board?

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ngp wrote 04/10/2022 at 21:38 point

Does the ATSAMD21G18 come preloaded with a USB bootloader?

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ejage.rm wrote 04/04/2022 at 17:24 point

I need help to use this tracking program for my st courier services. Can you send me the program file?

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Kevin wrote 04/04/2021 at 20:06 point

I have tried the project using the source code you provided, i dont get gps coordinated when i send message to my phone.

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Stryker wrote 11/28/2019 at 16:55 point

How is the Battery voltage Monitor and USB voltage monitor is implemented? Is it done through the ATSAMD21G18 or through the A9G? any sample code available for getting the voltage values?

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marininpa wrote 10/15/2019 at 09:08 point

What IDE do you use to compile code for A9G?

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netstrike wrote 02/10/2019 at 20:24 point

Is possible to have dimension and position of all connector?

I want to use this board in my project but is impossible to create footprint without dimensions. (v2.0 not v1.0)


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