In this project make a big size 3d printer 400 x 400 x 400 mm for collage project, Video contains all dimension and required the quantity of all parts, introducing of different parts which are using for the 3d printer. Build process of 3d printer, assembly of x, y, and z-axis, basic setup of ramps 1.4 board, A4988 driver and stepper motor, Arduino coding using marlin firmware, how to use sli3er and pronterface software.
For More Details See Youtube Video
dimension of all parts.pdf
All dimension of required parts and it's quantity
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02/27/2019 at 09:57
Recommend a stepping motor especially suitable for 3D printer X axis, Y axis, Z axis, with perfect torque curve: Type: 17HT19S4200C1 Step Angle: 1.8 deg Holding Torque: 59Ncm( Frame Size: 42 x 42mm Body Length: 48mm Shaft Diameter: Φ5mm Shaft Length: 24mm Shaft D-cut Length: 15mm
Nice project! I like your heated bed solution.