The battery lasted through the night, and it's still alive and transmitting.
There were some humidity readings that seemed high this moring; I went to check for moisture in the enclosure but didn't see any.
My readings were higher than the readings for my area, but I'm near a boundary of the area, so I'm not sure how that affects things. I'd like to start keeping a notebook of outdoor electronics projects to learn how to build more durable, sustainable systems.
I'm calling this completed for now; I have to let it run, and I will likely come up with (or people might give me) improvements, but it appears to be working for now.
Still having uplink issues, but I've got a collector now to stash any uplinks that make it out. The goal is to move this to a raspi but for the sake of having it running now, this works.
I'm running into constant issues with the node getting stuck trying to join the network.
I'm trying to debug this, but I wonder if it isn't because the USB port is only getting 3.7V, not 5V - I don't think it *should* matter, but it just might.
Let me guess - California?