
Open Exosuit for Differently Abled

This is a lower limb exoskeleton developed to aid patients with walking disabilities in their therapies and to perform simple tasks.

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Robotics for rehabilitation treatment is an emerging field that is expected to grow as a solution to automate training.This device addresses the lack of assistive devices for people with walking difficulties around the globe. A major problem they suffer is their dependency on a caretaker for basic tasks such as toiletries and fetching water or food for themselves. This is also common among people with paraplegia ,hemiplegia and cerebral palsy. As post-treatment care and constant help cost a lot, this is where we decided to focus our energies on.
Robotic rehabilitation can replace the physical training effort of a therapist, allowing more intensive repetitive motions and delivering therapy at a reasonable cost, assess quantitatively the level of motor recovery by measuring force and movement patterns. We have found that early rehabilitation in people with cerebral palsy will help in regaining their walking capabilities.


 Our aim is to provide better rehabilitation and assistive technology solution for people who are facing lower limb mobility issues.

Pain Statement trying to solve 

 Potential users of our product are people with walking disabilities  The device would help gain independence from caretakers in doing simple daily activities of life while several secondary problems arising from wheelchair use could be solved.

Our device addresses the lack of assistive devices and rehabilitation devices for people with lower limb disability. A major problem these patients suffer is their dependency on a caretaker for basic tasks such as toiletries and fetching water or food for themselves. Our product has been specifically designed to tackle these daily struggles within a work-space or home-space.

Treatment cost 

It is reported that the average lifetime cost per person with Cerebral Palsy is estimated around $1.5 million i.e. around $800,000 for indirect medical costs, $100,000 for direct medical costs and around $100,000 for direct non-medical costs, according to Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.  It should be noted that while some people may be able to afford the treatment costs for a lifetime, many people couldn’t even afford the initial treatment costs.


There are two parts in this project: 1 ) walker and 2) Exosuit system.

First, the walker has to be switched on and then the O-LED screen in the walker shows the menu to sit, stand, walk. The buttons can be used to select between different menus and joystick in the walker can be used to send signals for walking to Exosuit system. The entire system is communicated with paired Bluetooth.

You can refer to this block diagram:

Block diagram of entire system

Part 1

Walker Unit

The Walker unit in this project uses an o-led screen for display, There are four buttons one for switching on the entire system other three are for selection of menu like walking, standing and sitting. Also there is an joystick connected to move forward and stop.

Also there is a Arduino Nano and a Bluetooth module to send signal to Exosuit system.

Connecting OLED with Arduino

Oled screen can be connected and we can display images. The Bmp file can be converted into Hex file and can be used in our code. You can refer this tutorial for understanding more about conversion of bmp file.





Connect the components as shown in the schematic diagram

Arduino Nano OLED

GND ---------------------- GND

5V ---------------------- 5V

A5 ---------------------- SCL

A4 ---------------------- SDA

Arduino Nano HC-05( Bluetooth)

GND ---------------------- GND

5V ---------------------- 5V

Rx ---------------------- Tx

Tx ---------------------- Rx

Arduino Nano Joystick module

GND ---------------------- GND

5V ---------------------- 5V

A1 ---------------------- X pin

Arduino Nano Button

Pin2 ---------------------- Button 1

Pin 3 ---------------------- Button 2

Pin 4 ---------------------- Button 3

Pin 5 ---------------------- Button 4

Working (Walker)

The walker was made by cutting the front portion of normal walker and adding wheels in the two front legs.Holes for were made using drill machine. Grips were also added.

The Walker unit in this project uses an oled screen for display, There are four buttons one for switching on the entire system other three are for selection of menu like walking, standing and sitting. Also there is an joystick connected to move forward and stop.

walker working video

Part 2

Exosuit System


When data from the walker is provided to the exosuit the motors rotates and each motor is connected to one mechanical leg of exosuit. During one rotation the exosuit is designed to take one step.

The mechanical legs can be attached to our legs with straps and belts

Exosuit system

Exosuit system


Make the connection as shown in the schematic diagram


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unik xo.CATProduct

Assembly of complete exosuit

catproduct - 110.46 kB - 06/24/2020 at 18:43


knee to disc connection.CATPart

exosuit part CAD

catpart - 76.39 kB - 06/24/2020 at 18:43


motor casing.CATPart

exosuit part CAD

catpart - 708.07 kB - 06/24/2020 at 18:43


left foot base.CATPart

exosuit part CAD

catpart - 177.61 kB - 06/24/2020 at 18:43


right foot base.CATPart

exosuit part CAD

catpart - 177.96 kB - 06/24/2020 at 18:43


View all 19 files

  • 1 × Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO Microcontroller
  • 1 × Onion Corporation OLED Expansion OLED
  • 1 × Battery protective system
  • 1 × Analog joystick (Generic)
  • 5 × SparkFun Big Red Dome Button

View all 11 components

View all 7 project logs

  • 1
    Download All materials provided

    The complete 3D CAD designs, circuit diagrams and arduino codes ( since we used Arduino) are provided here

  • 2
    Mechanical Structure fabrication and Assembly

    Refer the mechanical designs  provided and fabricate according to the dimensions provided, we used Iron sheets for fabrication. We are also working on Aluminum sheets which are light weight and strong . 

    Mechanical Design

    The detailed design files are attached with this tutorial as CAD file.

    Fig 1. Diagram marking various parts of the exoskelton.

    Parts Description

    Parts Description

    Also refer to the below images to make the mechanical structure to be connected.

    The measurements and complete details are mentioned in the diagrams you can follow it and attach it together as seen in Fig 1.

    You can use  normal manufacturing techniques to replicate this design. You can also refer the Cad file to assemble all parts .

  • 3
    Electronics and Motors

    The electronics components in this project is available easily through online shopping sites. Gather all components, the components used are provided in the components section.

    We are working on the building a PCB version so that it will help you to rebuild this project really fast and accurately . 

View all 6 instructions

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mathewikku96 wrote 09/06/2020 at 09:30 point

Wow, Amazing can this be used as an assitive device too?? 

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athulsunny008 wrote 08/20/2020 at 14:00 point

First of all this is a great project.  Which material  are you using?? 

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Alex M Sunny wrote 08/22/2020 at 14:58 point

thank you...right now we are using iron alloy but we are planning to use aluminium sheets to reduce weight.

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sruthimolchacko1995 wrote 06/26/2020 at 18:04 point

This is truly above and beyond.guys really hit it.

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Robin Kanattu Thomas wrote 06/27/2020 at 15:32 point


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aniyathomas149 wrote 06/26/2020 at 13:19 point

Outstanding work👍👍👍

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Alex M Sunny wrote 06/26/2020 at 15:34 point

Thank you

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Robin Kanattu Thomas wrote 06/27/2020 at 15:32 point


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John wrote 06/26/2020 at 12:39 point

Good work

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Alex M Sunny wrote 06/26/2020 at 15:34 point


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