
Wireless FPV Quadcopter

A quadcopter that streams live video back to the pilot. It's controlled with a PS2 controller.

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A couple friends and I built this quadcopter as our final project for ECET: Computer Control at BCIT. We wanted to make a UAV that could be used remotely to capture live video, or could be given a route to fly using GPS. While we ran out of time to implement the GPS features, we did successfully produce a flying quadcopter that streamed live video.

We designed and built a 100% 3D printed frame for the quadcopter. The plastic frame is strong and also quite light. To control the quadcopter, we use an Arduino Nano to read a PS2 controller. The controller data is then transmitted to the quadcopter using a pair of NRF24L01+ modules. A 2.4GHz camera sends video back to the pilot's receiver.

  • 1 × NanoWii Flight Controller An arduino-based controller board with integrated Accelerometer and Gyroscope
  • 2 × NRF24L01+ Module 2.4GHz Transceiver with SPI interface
  • 1 × 3000mAh Lithium Battery Provides 15-20 minutes of flight time
  • 4 × 100W Brushless Motor Lightweight with plenty of available power and built in speed controller
  • 1 × Wireless Camera NTSC camera with integrated 2.4GHz transmitter

View all 7 components

  • 1
    Step 1

    Download the model files here:

    The STL files for 3D printing are provided as well as Inventor 2014 files if you want to make any edits.

    You'll also need various #4 machine screws and hardware like lock washers and nuts. I use acetone to glue some of the plastic pieces together.

  • 2
    Step 2

    You'll need to print these pieces:

    2x Body

    1x Bottom

    4x Bottom_supports

    4x Arm

    4x Motor_mount

    4x Arm_foot

  • 3
    Step 3

    Use acetone to glue the motor mounts to the arm pieces. Allow the arms to dry and flip them over. Glue a foot piece to each arm.

View all 6 instructions

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RX HMP wrote 10/03/2016 at 20:21 point

guys can i remove spektrum dx6 dms module and use the nfl transmitter? Im stuck with a good dx6 with dms only and cant get a dms 6ch receiver, so Im thinking exchange it?

what range is the nfl good for? 100m? and will it connect to dms2 might be dsm lol dmsx flysky esky 2.4ghz? receivers? this controller locked to the stupid dms only. Please help.

Id also like to talk about parrot ar2.0 and apm2.6. I have multiple project quads. please get intouch.

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Adam Oakley wrote 10/03/2016 at 21:05 point

I would not recommend these NRF modules, at least not the cheap ones from China. The range is much less than 100m. I'm not familiar with the other things you mentioned so I can't help with them.

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Chuma A wrote 08/08/2015 at 18:29 point


I'm trying to build a UAV like yours. Which material did you print with: PLA or ABS?

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