The M5Pi is an embedded Linux development board that I made and open sourced last year. It is based on the F1C200s chip of Allwinner Technology, the most important thing is to have a beautiful casing, which is why I call it the most exquisite "Pi", the project is completely open source, the open source software used for PCB KiCAD drawing, some 3D models use the open source software FreeCAD to draw, the system uses the more popular buildroot to make.
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ok, you may run to thermal issues with H3-H7 allwinners ;) What plans you have for case? It is not quite usefull if we need disassemble m5stack just for get case from it :D
is possible add step up -down from 0-24V power input?
in many situation i can use many different power, meybe solar panel meybe AA 1.5V or .. 18650 3.7V or car power 24V
how long this device work ? for example 50% vi/mc/terminal and 50% listen sound in background or compiling/using ruby/perl/go