

This is a Stratasys Uprint SE+ 100 percent reversible, open source retrofit controlled by a Duet3D Duet 2 wifi, DueX5 and Geckodrive G320X.

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This is a 100 percent reversible retrofit of a Stratasys Uprint SE+ 3D printer. All original hardware is being used except the SBC and Control board. The movement motors are controlled directly by a Duet3D Duet 2 WIFI, while all of the heaters, thermocouples, and end stops piggyback off of signals from the inputs and outputs of the Power Distribution Board PDB. The extruder motor (DC servo motor) is controlled by the Duet 2 WIFI using a GeckoDrive G320X Servo Motor Controller. The built in Z-probe is also being utilized for bed leveling. While this is still a work in progress as are many "projects". Everything needed to print using both OE extruders is fully functional without the need for non off the shelf equipment.

This project was started from 2 design requests. The first began as a request to take an old Stratasys Uprint 3D printer and reversibly retrofit it with a new control system (AJ Quick). Some hurdles were solved through the design of PCBs involving level shifters for communication with some of the existing electronics hardware. The second followed along when an old Stratasys Uprint SE plus was scrapped at work due to heat rotted Gates timing belts. (Jeremy) This printer is essentially a 3D printer in an oven with a CNC milled print head and survivalist step motors designed to function at higher temperatures. He acquired the printer and replaced the belts to get a functioning 3D printer. However, these systems use proprietary filaments with EEPROM encoders and heavily restricted slicing software to print models. The price of the filament is exorbitant for an at home tinkerer and maker (up to $300 for a roll of filament). While the community has developed ways to reprogram the EEPROMs the printer still had to be controlled by the proprietary slicer software. Not to mention that the Uprint SE plus EEPROMs pose additional challenges that may have been resolved by now. Others went another route to get these types of printers to function, yet usually the extruder ended up being replaced.

Thus the challenge began to find a way with commercially available and preferably open source hardware to take over the controls of this powerful dinosaur of a printer without removing any of the hardware. AJ Quick's work on wiring pinout diagrams would prove helpful in figuring out what connections needed to be made where to enable full control of the printer. Between the time of AJ's initial work and the acquisition of the Uprint by Jeremy, updated open source 3D printer control and expansion boards were made by Duet3D that allowed for 5V signaling and PWM output getting rid of the need for level shifters. 

A Duet 2 WIFI and DueX5 expansion board were purchased. These two boards were mounted on the inside of the electronics cabinet on the Uprint using the standoffs from the previous control board. These boards enabled control of all signaling and X, Y, Z motor control. Yet, the extruder motor is not driven by a heavy stepper motor. It is driven by a DC servo motor. The Duet 2 WIFI allows for external motor drivers to by controlled through Step Dir outputs. A GeckoDrive G320X was also purchased. Following the pinout diagrams slowly the Uprint was taken control of like a slowly creeping mind controlling disease. First the X, Y, and Z strepper motors were directly taken control of by the Duet 2 WIFI board and tested making sure to connect the correct wires to each phase of the steeper motor (Phase A and Phase B determined by a continuity check on the existing Molex connectors coming from the motors to the I/I board and the back of the PDB board). Wires were run through the housing and connected to the Duet 2 WIFI using proper crimps for the connectors. The steps/mm was then calibrated by using a digital caliper. Then the optical endstop outputs from the PDB were fed into the Duet and range of motion was constrained for X, Y, and Z and motor directions were resolved using AJ's pinout diagrams as a guide. 

Safety alarm outputs were wired from the Uprint to the DueX5 expansion board to shut down the heaters when any of the head, chamber, or head thermostat alarms are triggered. This was then programmed in the Duet Web Control Software to shut down the heaters and motors while leaving the cooling fans operational to prevent overheating and thermal runaway. There are 2 power enable relays in the PDB of the Uprint one controls power to the 120V DC power supply and one controls the motor power (in our case only the extruder motor due to the bypassing of the PDB for the X, Y, and Z motors). These relays were wired to the DueX5 PWM outputs. Additionally signaling to the door lock was also connected to prevent opening the door and letting out the...

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DuePrint Complete Wiring Diagram.pdf

Wiring Diagram with all of the most important connections broken out on the Duet 2 WIFI and Duex5 boards. Refer to Duet3D's website for complete wiring diagrams for the Duet 2 WIFI and DueX5 boards.

Adobe Portable Document Format - 477.16 kB - 10/22/2022 at 20:35


DuePrint Wiring Directions.docx

Updated Wiring Directions for connecting the Duet 2 wifi, DueX5 and Geckodrive G320X servo motor driver to the PDB of the 3D printer.

document - 15.59 kB - 10/22/2022 at 19:49


DuePrint Bill of Materials.xlsx

Bill of Materials

sheet - 20.97 kB - 10/13/2022 at 21:45


Print Settings for the DuePrint for PrusaSlicer 2.5

x-zip-compressed - 5.08 kB - 07/22/2022 at 22:13



Updated config with notations on what pins to connect on the Duex and Uprint PDB (Power Distribution Board).

g - 10.75 kB - 07/21/2022 at 17:28


View all 12 files

  • 1 × Duet3D Duet 2 WIFI Main controller board
  • 1 × Duet3D DueX5 Expansion board
  • 1 × Geckodrive G320X Servo motor driver for extruder motor control
  • 1 × LIS3DH accelerometer Semiconductors and Integrated Circuits / Misc. Semiconductors and Integrated Circuits
  • 1 × Resistors Used for voltage divider for thermocouple signal

View all 13 components

  • DuePrint Sample Print

    Jeremy10/23/2022 at 05:39 0 comments

    Another Sample Print of a tooth brush holder using the DuePrint.

  • Print Speed Test

    Jeremy07/22/2022 at 00:54 0 comments

    Print Speed Test Results. 0.2 mm layer height, initial print speed 90 mm/s, increasing print speed observed resulting in what is likely acceleration limited print speed for most of the print at print speed setting of 240 mm/s. Minimal print vibrations observed. The extruder can out extrude the print movements!

  • Speed Test Print Quality

    Jeremy07/21/2022 at 12:44 0 comments

    90 mm/sec at base. 300 mm/sec at top. Printing is acceleration limited and likely never reaches 300 mm/sec. There interesting thing is that it is nearly impossible to out run the extruder, meaning the extruder can push out more melted filament than the printer can move to extrude it. Check videos to see it in action.

  • Test Print

    Jeremy07/21/2022 at 12:29 0 comments

    Test Print showing print quality using 3rd party ABS filament.

View all 4 project logs

  • 1
    Remove the top, side, and top back panel from the 3D printer

    If the printer is operational unload the filament. 

    Power off the printer. 

    Remove the power cord from the back of the printer.

    Remove the top panel by unscrewing the screws on the back of the 3D printer. 

    Carefully pull toward the back of the 3D printer to remove the top panel.

    Remove the screws on the side panels.

    Carefully pull toward the back of the 3D printer to remove the side panels.

    Remove the screws on the top back metal panel to expose the head blower fan.

    Carefully remove the top back metal panel. 

    Disconnect the filament guide tubes from the Y-adapter on the back of the 3D printer. 

    Break the filament if necessary. 

    Unscrew the filament Y-adapters.

  • 2
    Remove the Electronics Cabinet from the back of the 3D printer.

    Unscrew the electronics cabinet from the frame of the 3D printer housing.

    Disconnect wires from the top of the electronics cabinet.

    Reach through the side to the middle of the 3D printer to disconnect the chamber thermal couple, Z-axis motor wires, and power input wires from the back of the electronics cabinet. If needed carefully pull the electronics cabinet part way out of the back of the 3D printer to get better access to the wires.

    Double check to ensure all wires are disconnected from the electronics cabinet.

    Carefully pull to remove the electronics cabinet from the back of the 3D printer.

  • 3
    Remove the Stratasys control board from the electronics cabinet.

    Remove the screws on the back panel. 

    Carefully open the back panel pulling from the top. This exposes the electronics cabinet of the 3D printer.

    Disconnect the 3 ribbon cables from the control board that connect the control board from the power distribution board (PDB). 

    Unscrew the control board at the 6 standoff locations. 

    Remove the standoffs. 

    Disconnect the control board from the single board computer (SBC).

View all 20 instructions

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ccashat wrote 04/11/2024 at 22:15 point

Hi, Jeremy are you still working on this project?

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Jeremy wrote 08/12/2024 at 18:00 point

I still have it. I haven't had much time to do much more. It still prints just fine. I've used it a couple times since then.

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Mark Hershey wrote 02/13/2023 at 22:49 point

Hi, I Inherited a Dimension 1200es breakaway machine and a Dimension Elite. Thinking of following your lead on one or both machines. Since both appear to have a 2.8 amp stepper motor setup I am a bit leery of using a Duet 2 which, assuming anything actually runs the motors at 2.8A , looks near the max Duet  rating. Any reason a Duet 3rd-gen board with its higher current stepper drivers wouldn’t work? Would of course need some compatible expansion boards to get enough i/o. Thoughts?

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philiparrington wrote 01/17/2023 at 15:36 point

What did you use to replace the belts in the Uprint? I have seen various opinions, and have seen just using a T3 size belt but was curious what you used. 

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CS wrote 08/30/2022 at 03:05 point

Missed my chance to get a BST 768 and am considering picking up a uPrint SE plus near me. Do these also have the heated elements inside for a hot chamber? I've been planning out a similar duet based build. Nice work!

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Gregor wrote 09/08/2022 at 12:18 point

Yes these have heated build chambers. BTW I'm looking into making a circuit board that solves all the wire-plugging (I have a working uPrint that keeps mis-feeding support)

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