Music I mentally associate with this project
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[2023 - Feb 25]
So, unfortunately, projects like #Tetrinsic [gd0041], #T^2 TyMist [gd0138], #TaskPercent [gd0140] and #SecSavr Suspense [gd0105] will take many hours of continuous efforts before I actually see results. I'm doing 3 of those 4 projects so that I can make it faster and easier to complete projects; this is known as a "chicken and egg" problem. I actually need something right now that I can use to achieve a more focused and less distracted mindset so that I can work though all my projects/commitments at a consistent pace (rather than this boom/bust cycle you might have noticed in my projects).
First thing I did was buy some rather nice looking gripped "arthritis gloves" (2 pairs for £7) so that my fingers can hold out a bit longer whilst waiting for Tetrinsic -- and subsequently #Tetent TestCut [gd0139] -- to become a thing that exists. The gloves actually fit my hand and I strongly believe it's because the finger-ends are cut off. They certainly look all futuristic and hacker material which helps with mindset, as well as hopefully preventing finger strain.

[20 March 2023 update] - These gloves are nice for many things. Typing is not one of them. They seem to speed up fatigue due to the increased motion resistance.
Then I thought to myself about what I could realistically do to get a usable work-mode setup ASAP (under a week). I haven't read any articles about WFH setups, but I can imagine that doing everything from the comfort of your mattress is not recommended. (Oh yeah, I watched a CGP Grey video about this years ago.)
I thought of a tent tube / kid tunnel:

Well a tent tube, but wide enough for a table, 180cm / 6ft tall ceilings and with reflective walls (like silver projector screen material). Inside would be a proper carbon filtration system and I'd figure out a lighting solution along the way. This sounds quite reasonable actually, because it's the non-portable version of TyMist.
[1 Mar Edit Start]
I have a feeling that my subconscious saw the below animation video on how Tilt-5 works (because I really like the soundtrack and made a loop) and eventually proposed this reflective tent idea.
This is because the first time I saw the animation (and before the small blue figurines made an appearance right on the soundtrack beat), my attention was captivated by the background:

As soon as I saw this, I immediately imagined Jeri Ellsworth (the CEO) working in Britain and sitting in an office away from any busy roads and just quietly working on this product as the overcast sky illuminated the white office walls. My reaction to that was "Wow that's a dream way to work! It's probably not the way she actually works, but that's a truly peaceful way to R+D for an unknown amount of time and actually enjoy the grind".
I don't enjoy the grind, which I define as the main part of any project or education development where you know you're going to be there day in and out slowly developing but it doesn't feel like actual progress is being made because the milestones are few and far between at this stage, like a plateau.
I've been trying to make the grind more enjoyable (or reduce the amount of time spent) for over 6 years now. Will this be the solution?
[1 Mar Edit End]
Now, I remembered when Me In The Past was trying to drive a similar line over 5 years ago, and got an £80 tent. The issue was that the fabric was too green (as in, it was all green so all light in the tent was green) and not very high even though it was spacious in the XY plane. Because of this, I didn't have much hope in actually being able to find a solution, but since there's more talk of remote working / work from home setups, perhaps there's some options on the market now.
This is the first thing I found, and it's dark and short, so it's a no from me.
However, I saw in the corner of Bing Images (yeah I actually switched to Bing because it seems to have had a real glow-up lately) a grow tent... that was 2 entire metres high! I've known about these because the resin printing community uses them, but I didn't think that there were large ones. It's like 3X out of my league budget though.

Thankfully, as further explained in a project log, there were options in my league budget:

Honestly, I thought this project was going to be surprisingly straightforward after I found out that 2.4x1.2x2m tents like this existed, since these tents are designed to use carbon filtration systems and allow easy light mounting, so I was planning to just write up a page after everything was set up. However, I've spent hours (over the past 3 days) just researching, so this Tent Office idea has now been upgraded to project status.
This idea could be really useful for SecSavr Suspense / #SecSavr Syrum [gd0141] research and development too. Most of these tents have a removable floor for leaks and spills, and the entire area is easy to ventilate and wipe down.
Essentially, I'm trying to obtain the illusion of an invariant universe. Many months ago, I watched a ScienceClic video (see below) that explicitly stated that the universe is invariant for translations, rotations and time. It was one of those things that both made me think "Duh, obviously." and "No... no... he's got a point!". Physics doesn't change between yesterday and today or from one hour to the next, so the main reason why the universe feels somewhat variant is because the sun is in one of 3 general positions (day, sunrise/sunset and night) and a clock states the date/time.
This ties in with a phenomenon I've read about here and there about not getting into focus because an event later in the day is coming up. The first anecdote was a programmer that said they never really got into a focused mindset because a meeting was happening in 45 minutes anyway, and the second went something like "Well it's 8:40pm now which is 20 minutes to 9pm and that's an hour before I need to start getting ready for bed anyway so I might as well leave the task to tomorrow". The end result is less efficiency in the time I have because I'm focusing on the near future instead of the now.