Chair.kicad_sch7.kicad_schThis is the latest version of the schematic inKiCad (*. sch) format. Requires KiCad: kicad_sch - 178.64 kB - 10/30/2023 at 22:01 |
175842.jpgThis is the latest version of the schematic in jpg formatJPEG Image - 284.50 kB - 10/30/2023 at 22:01 |
Chair.kicad_sch7.pdfThis is the latest version of the schematic in pdf format.Adobe Portable Document Format - 372.34 kB - 10/30/2023 at 22:00 |
LogicUpFlow_1.bmpLogic UP flowchartBitmap Image File - 2.47 MB - 06/29/2023 at 20:48 |
IMG_4241.movThis is a more descriptive explanation of the device's operationquicktime - 42.14 MB - 06/16/2023 at 15:00 |
IMG_4244.movA video of the controller in operationquicktime - 24.60 MB - 06/16/2023 at 02:33 |