11Burning The Actual Bootloder
Once the environment is set up, you will need to flash the bootloader onto the chip. This is a requirement for timing, clock and chip settings to be correct and so that you can upload with the serial bootloader, instead of the ISP programmer.
First start by removing the SD card, and your USB to serial interfaces from the PCB top port near the SD activity light. Then plug in the 6 pin programmer ribbon cable which came with your programmer into the HB63C09, and then into your programmer. Lastly you can plug the USB connection into your PC. If you’ve properly installed everything the Power LED should turn on on the HB63C09.
If you do not remove the SD interface, prior to programming the controller you could damage the reset pin / programming circuits inside the micro controller which could result in the chip not being able to be upgraded from the chips UART pins or worse, so please remember this step.
To actually flash the boot loader, select Tools → Burn Bootloader, (you should have already selected the programmer, USBTinyISP in the last step). This will take less than 10 seconds and should say successful in the log read out at the bottom. You may have to pick a (slow) option when picking the programmer if you are having issues with the boot loader in the next step, or with programming the controller boot loader, at all.
12Flashing the Firmware via the Serial Cable (upgrading the firmware)
Next you need to open the Arduino sketch and program it to the controller. You do this by opening the file: <location of repository>/HB63C09/Arduino/HB63C09M/HB63C09M.ino.
Next remove the ISP programmer ribbon cable, and with the SD interface still removed, install the TTL to USB interface.
Don’t forget to close JMP1 by the USB interface if you are powering the computer from the USB, and remember, don’t power the computer from multiple headers, as this could cause damage.
The AUX port, ICSP and USB to TTL port can all power the board, and the +5V is denoted on each of them with a small triangle arrow pointer “head”.Select the USB to TTL interface’s serial port under Tools → Port → <port for USB to TTL>. Under Linux this is typically /dev/ttlUSB0, though it may be another device completely this will depend on multiple factors including other hardware and configuration of your system.
Click Sketch → Upload (or press ctrl - u)
your board should be loaded once this completes, as the sketch is quite large the upload should take a good few moments to complete
13Preparing the SD Card
If you purchased a SD card module and SD card with your kit, the files should already be on the SD card.
You should prepare your SD card now by copping the contents of <location of repository>HB63C09/System Roms/BIOS.BIN to the root of the SD Card, or extracting the SD Card ZIP file from the same directory
To test, you will need to load a serial terminal program such as minicom or putty. (both are free)
The Serial settings for your terminal are 115200kBps , 8 N 1 (eight data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit). No hardware / software flow control. The interface will typically be at /dev/ttyUSB0 under Linux.
14(optional) setting up minicom on linux
To properly install minicom on linux (Debian / Ubuntu) from a terminal type:
sudo apt-get install minicom
To enable color if desired edit .bashrc in your home directory and add the lines
#minicom color
export MINICOM
(you will need to log out and back in to enable this)
To set your system wide serial port:
sudo minicom -s
Then arrow down to select Serial Port Setup <enter> → A (this should automatically move you to the field)
Once in the field, erase the entry and type the name of your serial port on linux this is usually /dev/ttyUSB0 <ENTER>.
At this screen you can toggle hardware flow control, you should switch it off by typing F to toggle the hardware flow control. Hardware flow control needs to be off.
Then you can hit the <ESC> key to jump back to the main menu.
Then you need to arrow down to Save setup as dfl <enter> and arrow down to exit. If your USB to TTL cable is not plugged in this will error back to the bash prompt. If not, it should automatically reset the HB63C09 if its plugged in and start the boot up process described below
(if you have configured color in the previous step, it will not work until you exit and re-enter minicom without sudo rights.)
To Exit minicom you type CTRL-A, Q <enter>
For help type CTRL-A, Z (which should bring up the context help)
15Set up vBIOS
If you purchased a kit or a pre-configured ATMEGA32, this step MAY be completed:
If the computer boots it should drop you into the vBIOS environment automatically, if it does not you can hit <ESC> during boot up
you will need to set the default settings which areSET START C000 <enter>
SET SIZE 4000 <enter>
Look these over with SHOW <enter> and save changes with COMMIT <enter>, and then type QUIT <enter>.
The computer should load into the MON9 machine language monitor if everything worked correctly. You can switch to basic by typing JB <enter>, to leave basic and return to the monitor type BYE <enter>.
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