This is a collaboration project between my brother, nephew, myself and others that helped with the code at Hackaday Supercon 2023. The goal was to give the feel of an etch a sketch on the Vectorsope badge. A custom 3D printed frame and buttons were designed and printed ahead of time using the dimensions and board specs posted by other attendees. Two potentiometers from DigiKey were used as the controls by simply using the power from the input and signal wires. A simple code change to how the trace in the stock firmware Lissajous mode rendered delivered satisfying results Friday night of the conference. A large chunk of Saturday that employed the help of Simen resulted in a dedicated menu option and gray background with black line. There simply was not enough time to get to the end goal of adding a shake to erase function during the conference. Perhaps this project can continue to that original goal outside the conference.
Update this file on your badge for the simplest way to change the phosphor persistence to 100%. A side effect is the loss of the menu highlighting feature, so you will have to navigate in the blind. A more complete firmware update is pending with a little more free time...
x-python-script -
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11/13/2023 at 14:51
This project uses two of the potentiometers. 10K is a reasonable value, others will work. Cut down about 1/3 to 1/2 of the stem so the knobs fit closer to the frame.
Adobe Portable Document Format -
600.40 kB -
11/08/2023 at 04:56
Sliced version of the body for printing in PLA on a Prusa MK3 with 2 colors and support. Near the end of the print you will get prompted to change the filament for the gold lettering layer.
Definitely one of my favorite badge hacks from Supercon 2023. Especially in that is really embraced the analog nature of the badge -- no microcontroller needed here.
So many points for simplicity and the idea :D Nice one!