Printed a case that fits a 5x7cm2 eBay el-cheapo protoboard, slapped on some switches, a 433MHz transmitter and one of my ESP12 breakout boards and called it a day.
I have no idea what I did, but GPIO16 behaves weird. There is a transistor that allows me to toggle the cols with one pin. PIN 16 "OFF" weirdly jumps between HIGH and LOW, but I neglect that because you can achieve the desired state by just pressing the button longer.
Like with many of my projects there is no backside yet, but this is so much better than having the pure PCB flying around.
An external antenna could be handy, at least a 17cm wire or so.
Are the switches printed as one piece with the case, maybe with some flexible filament? Or are they just set in recesses in the panel? It looks like all one piece in the picture.
Hey, good questions :) I've took it apart and added some more pictures. At first it was a strip of buttons in the case, but the connection was too strong, whenever I pushed a button, there was another one pushed as well. It's pretty easy to put the buttons in there and screw it all together though.
Are the switches printed as one piece with the case, maybe with some flexible filament? Or are they just set in recesses in the panel? It looks like all one piece in the picture.