
Yo Dawg SAO - introducing SAOAO

I heard you like badges for your badges, so I made badges for your badges for your badges

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Memes, am I right? sometimes ideas feel to small for a simple add-on. But not here, here a simple add-on for a simple add-on has to be 19mm x 19mm at most and feature a 1.27mm 3pin header. No added pressure of adding I2C. Just vibes.

There's another minibadge standard that I seem to have taken inspiration from. The square makes things easier with board outlines. Google saintcon minibadge and you will get some nice examples.

We don't need that many headers to make some LEDs glow and 6 pins on the SAO can already be so confusing when you create your first blinking SAO, especially when everybody mirrors their images to help you (get you confused).

SAOAOs don't have that problem - its mirroring-protected pinout makes it a breeze to route. Ground is on the outside pins, VCC is in the middle. Don't get confused by the SAO adapter though, someone made a mistake with the silkscreen, because + - + looked cute and distracting.


kicad_mod - 6.13 kB - 09/21/2024 at 07:14


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Marc MERLIN wrote 03/08/2025 at 19:19 point

thank you for making this and donating one to me, it made me learn SMD soldering with syringe and heat gun :)

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davedarko wrote 03/10/2025 at 15:34 point

thanks for the ping :)

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