Someone adapted the standard
11/02/2024 at 17:15 • 1 commentAwesome to see that someone added the SAOAO header to their SAO. Couldn't find it here, but its on github https://github.com/bwasserm/sensaor
considerations for europe
10/23/2024 at 10:16 • 0 commentsI should use smd headers and smd side glowing faders and blinkies for mass producing them.
I don't think
09/30/2024 at 10:57 • 0 commentsToday all the PCBs arrived, 100 yo-dawg baseplates, 10 supercomputers where I'm going to ise self blinking LEDs, the hackaday logo that will receive the RGB LED faders, 100 iron man add-ons where I don't know if I even have the LEDs for and some with the logo of my favorite hackspace on it. They are super cute size wise and I will definitely have enough things to create one functioning version :)
And here are the working Simple Add-on Add-ons
Make an SAOAO yourself for supercon
09/25/2024 at 15:57 • 0 commentsI'm bringing 100 SAOs and 200 SAOAOs to supercon, so if you feel like creating your own, please do! There's room for one more!
https://cdn.hackaday.io/files/1980608473799040/squareSAOAO.kicad_mod -
09/21/2024 at 07:34 • 0 commentsTo get things started and thanks to me remembering that JLCPCB does panels, I got this thing started by ordering 100 SAO PCBs, 100 red Iron Man boards with ENIG and 100 hackaday logo boards. So in theory, if you make your own in time for supercon, then you should have 3/3 spots taken on the SAO carrier.