1°) Objectives
- Collect dew water that can be drunk without post treatment
- Improve already existing designs by reducing the amount of ground surface needed (check file pictures)
- Do it cheaper
2°) Researches we've done
- Animal kingdom : the moloch collect dew water with his purposely shaped skin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorny_dragon
- Shape : surface angle that maximise the amount of water colected is about 30° http://doc.cresson.grenoble.archi.fr/doc_num.php?explnum_id=1187
- Hydrophibic surface : An hydrophobic cover would improve the collect speed (water slide faster) thus improving quantity collected over a long period of time . (check Never Wet demonstations on files).
FYI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pot-in-pot_refrigerator
Low tech system that is around for ages.