Log 11 : 05/29/2017
05/30/2017 at 07:07 • 0 commentsToday we found a new code which collect data on your heart rate and oxygen saturation at the same time. Meanwhile we didn't succed to make it work.
We cut our wires shorter for esthetic, then we soldered them again to the captor.
We tested the new code. Nevertheless the code is not working as we wanted. So we came back to our first program.
Tomorrow we will test a last time our device.
Log 10 : 05/21/2017
05/30/2017 at 06:51 • 0 commentsToday we have found a way to send captors data to the Blynk app. Then we will be able to take information from the captor with a phone app (see instructions for more détails).
Now we can push the button in the Blynk app, then you have a graph on Blynk.
Log 9 : 05/19/2017
05/29/2017 at 19:35 • 0 commentsTest :
We tried the code and put the data on excel in order to see our hearth rate with graphics.
Here are the results of 2 tests on sportive man hearth rate before and after an effort.
We have InfraRed value in y-axis and the number of value sampled in x-axis.
Observation : we can see the variation of blood volume stable before the effort, whereas after the effort, variations are quite instable.
Log 8 : 05/12/2017
05/29/2017 at 08:16 • 0 commentsFor the captor's code part we found successfully a code on github which will permit us to transform a photosensitive data to an analog data (wavenumbers, beats per minutes). In fact this code read "heart rate" data.
research source : https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_MAX3010x_Sensor_Library/blob/master/examples/Example5_HeartRate/Example5_HeartRate.ino
Log 7 : Connection esp8266 to phone_Blynk
05/05/2017 at 14:46 • 0 commentsconnected esp8266 to Blynk app via the arduino IDE
Log 6 : 04/28/2017
05/01/2017 at 13:52 • 0 commentsToday we experienced soldering. After practincing it a little, we immediatly soldered our "spO2 sensors" with 5 wires.
Here is the final concept :
Log 5 : 04/28/17
04/28/2017 at 13:16 • 0 comments-Mainly finished the 3D making part (unless something goes horribly wrong.)
Log 4 : 04/07/2017 - fusion 360 and troubles
04/07/2017 at 13:35 • 0 commentsgetting further on fusion 360 ;)
We are going to have one main frame with a second part that will slide in from the top (Y axis), this part will be a "L" that would cover the top too .
For the way to "lock it" , well we are still thinking about it ... (And to attach it to yourself)
On the other hand , we still didn't receive the captors and extra parts for our device :( Waiting eagerly for those !
On the other hand we are also on the programming of the Arduino.
Log 3 : 04/07/2017
04/07/2017 at 13:30 • 0 comments- fully finished application on iPhone using Blynk
- going further on the physical concept of the box
- coding for the wifi shield
Log 2 : 03/31/2017
03/31/2017 at 14:23 • 0 comments1. Starting to modelize the device's shape on fusion360
2. Dropped Xcode for Blynk
3. Just received the arduino nano and genuino 101